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“Never was a leader
Never had a thing for fairytales
Not really a believer”

Not geographically but have you experienced seeing stars in the daytime? Well, I have. When Octavio and I were fighting against each other, to be exact when we were boxing, I was so engrossed in protecting my leg that I failed to block Octavio's hard punch which landed straight into my jaw. I helplessly fell to the ground. Neither I could see anything nor I could feel however when I opened my eyes twinkling stars appeared in front of my eyes following with immense pain. My stomach was already in pain since early morning and now I have to deal with jaw pain. 

“Are you all right?” Octavio asked as he helped me to stand up. I nodded in ‘yes’ whilst cupping my jaw. He made me sit on a bench and handed me my water bottle. The pain was so immense that I couldn't open my mouth. “How many times do I have to tell you to block with the left side?” He scolded me “Bend your arm at the elbow, shift your weight forward, and strike your elbow into your attacker’s neck, jawline or chin or temple. Am I clear?” he instructed, I replied to him by giving a positive nod. 

He went over to the cupboard and came back with an ice bag in his hand, he handed me the ice bag and I pressed it against my jaw. “Congratulations you've got yourself your first bruise” Octavio smirked, patting my back proudly. 

“Thanks, couldn't have happened without you, my dearest friend,” I remarked sarcastically and then hissed in pain. 

“Well, by looking at your condition I think we should stop boxing” he suggested. I exhaled in relief. “And start throwing knives,” he added, making me gasp. I shook my head in ‘no’. What kind of psychopathic shit is that? I thought to myself. A painful punch on my jaw wasn't enough for him? Well, nothing could ever be enough for him.  

“Come on, it's just a punch, make yourself acquainted with it because you are gonna get more,” Octavio said casually. I glared at him. 

When we heard the sound of shoes clicking on the ground, our heads turned in the direction of the entry door. Hunter came into the sight wearing a modern fit suit with a slim fitted, contoured, and shorter length jacket that nicely displayed the texture of his perfectly well-maintained body. 

 “Boss is—” He came to a halt when his gaze fell on my bruise; his eyes widened as he rushed towards me, with a worried expression on his face. He knelt to my level and examined my jaw. “What the fuck did you do to her?” Hunter glared and shouted at Octavio, and he rolled his eyes. Typical Octavio. 

 “Is it hurting?” Hunter asked, concernedly. 

“I’m fine,” I replied. 

He sighed as he stood up. “Next time block with your left hand,” he said.

“Sure, mommy,” I said, earning a glare from him. 

“Come on, it's time for your Archery lessons,” Hunter told. 

I said goodbye to Octavio, believing I'd finally gotten rid of him, and I started following Hunter, but Octavio was also following us. Hunter took the lead, and I had no idea where he was leading me. We came to a halt as we came across a massive door that wasn't made of wood and was quite thick and large. As soon as I saw the enormous strange entrance, my curiosity grew. The lighting was poor, and there were fewer guards than in the other hallways. Hunter used his muscle to open the door. The door was certainly heavy. My curiosity was getting the best of me. The massive door led us to a new hidden corridor with stairwells descending below. As we climbed downstairs I saw another door of the same size and thickness and once again Hunter opened the door. 

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