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I have changed my decision. It would be Hunter that I’ll haunt the most when I die and then Octavio.

Hunter has the audacity to wake me up at sharp five in the fucking morning by throwing cold water on my face. He made me work out continuously for three hours without any fucking break. After the workout, he only gave me a two-minute break and then he started with my boxing, ju-jitsu, and archery training. My today’s torture was of five hours. I was so exhausted that instead of letting me go in peace that man had the audacity to say that from tomorrow he’ll start my training from four in the fucking morning.

Only I know how difficult it was for me to drag my aching body to my room then take a shower then again drag it to the dining room. I was sure that I might have looked like a zombie while walking. When I finally reached the kitchen I managed to sit in my place.

“Are you okay?” Apparently, Hunter showered his concern on me.

I put on my fake bright smile and said “Never felt so energised before all thanks to you, Hunter the greatest trainer of all time”

“Wow, if that’s the case then I think you should increase her training timing” Octavio mocked, smirking at me.

“Do you have a death wish Octavio?” I said, glaring at him.

“Enough talking let’s start our breakfast” Ace said.

“It’s eleven o’clock why haven’t you all had your breakfast?” I asked. They usually finish their breakfast by nine o'clock.

“Because you weren’t here, dummy,” Ace replied, stuffing his mouth with pancakes.

“Seriously?” I said in surprise. I didn't see this one coming.

Ace and everyone else was too preoccupied with their breakfast to respond. Hunter excused himself and rushed out after finishing his breakfast, followed by Octavio. I noticed Zayn and Ace were unusually quiet. Hunter returned a few minutes later, carrying a few files. He placed them near Zayn and said something to him. Zayn gave him a nod, and with that Hunter left the dining room. 

"Nyx, you have half an hour to get ready and report in my office" Zayn commanded while studying one of the files. I looked over at Ace with concern; last time I checked I had done absolutely nothing to provoke or upset him. Putting more concern to my misery Ace shrugged in response.

"What did I do?" I asked, taking the last bite of the pancake in anxiousness.

"Nothing. We are going on a date" he replied, that's when I felt the world turned upside down. The pancake clogged my windpipe and I almost stopped breathing. I was not exaggerating. I couldn't breathe properly. I saw Levi spitting water all over Ace's face. Seeing that I started coughing. I took the glass of water placed beside my plate. Gulping down enough water, I felt relieved.

“Bloody hell Zayn, this is not how you ask someone out,” I said glaring at Zayn. He looked terrified while Ace was face-palming. Ace gave him a disappointed look when they both exchanged glances. Technically he didn't ask me, he ordered me. What on earth is wrong with this guy? Most of the time he acted like he was the king of the entire world and now he was acting like a scared cat.

"I apologise on Zayn's behalf," Ace said, getting up from his seat.

He grabbed Zayn by his hand and dragged him out of the dining room, the entire time Zayn didn't say a word. This was the first time when I saw Zayn speechless. He usually stays silent and calm but this time he seemed as if he had no words left in his dictionary. He seemed like he had seen a ghost. It was way too weird.

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