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“There's a light at the end of the darkness
The last step is always the hardest
But we fight it and we push against
A world that's caving in
It's not power that makes you the strongest”
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“Come on, five push-ups more than you gotta pick your weapon” Octavio ordered while I was struggling to catch my breath. That self-proclaimed psychopath loved to torture me by making me do more push-ups. Push-ups were like the worst punishment for me. He knew how much I disliked doing push-ups, so he always made me do more of them. He'd make me do yoga as a warm-up before letting me kick his arse. I thought kicking his arse would be simple because I knew how to punch and kick properly, but things didn't go as planned. He would block my punches and kicks every time I attacked him. It's been weeks since he started training me, and I was still not sure if I was perfect.

I stopped, as I processed what he said after push-ups, “What?” I asked, the weapon part came like a surprise to me, and I definitely didn't see this one coming.

“Yes, everyone has a weapon, like, Hunter has his special gun, Ace has his military knife, Zayn and I have both guns and knives, although we prefer to use our knives and knuckles most of the time.” he informed “So hurry up, five more push-ups and you'll have your desired weapon.” he clapped his hands, motivating me and making me more enthusiastic. I squealed and like a greedy human, I quickly did five push-ups.

I stood up with a massive grin on my face, it was evident that I was smiling like a complete idiot, I could feel butterflies in my stomach impatiently dancing in the anticipation of taking my very own weapon “Ready?” Octavio said.

“YES!” I replied, vigorously nodding my head in 'yes' Octavio shook his head at my childishness. A normal mundane getting to live with the Mafia, receiving a weapon was a big deal. I was certain that this weapon would come with responsibilities and I was ready for it.

Octavio started leading me to only he knew where and while walking we heard different indistinct voices coming from the main hall, their argument sounded like they were arguing about something. Octavio and I shared a glance and we followed the voice.

“It doesn't matter, it's not a big issue!” as we entered the hall, the first voice we heard was of Levi, who was evidently getting irritated.

“He's angry, again,” Octavio muttered with a sigh. I raised an eyebrow and looked around who he was referring to, my eyes first landed on Zayn. He appeared to be calm, next to him was Ace, he on the other hand looked annoyed and then I looked at Levi, he somewhat looked angry.

“Levi?” I questioned.
Octavio nodded his head in 'yes' “His ears gets red when he's angry” he reasoned. I glanced at him in amusement and gave him an appreciation pat on his back to which he didn't appreciate and glared at me. Typical Octavio. I simply shrugged and approached Levi.

“No, you don't understand! My personal life is my personal life, none of yours personal life!” Levi shouted, glaring at Ace and Zayn. These words were quite familiar to me as I used to yell the same words at my mother when she tried to irritate me with her questions about my social life and stuff but at the end of the day my sister and I would spill the beans and our mum would know about everything. I faced a hard time keeping things from her.

“There's no such thing as personal when it comes to family,” Zayn said, reminding me of my mum and dad they used to do the same thing. These words from Zayn's mouth sounded uncomfortable to me because he was all about smirks and mafias. However, these words hinted that a part of him was trying to have a normal family where there are no secrets and family members talked about everything.

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