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“When I'm losing my control, the city spins around

You're the only one who knows, you slow it down ”

Scattered, destroyed, betrayed, emotionally damaged, heartbroken and a bit of exaggeration, that’s what I was feeling. Obviously to me, the world stopped spinning, the time froze, and everything turned black except the image of Zayn and that lady. This was one of the most soul-wrenching disadvantages of liking a man who happens to be drop-dead handsome. My gazes fell on the lady with nothing but complete hatred. I wanted to smash her huge cranium against the wall so hard that she bled to death. I wanted to knock off all of her teeth and cut off those motherfucking lips. Barbaric? I know. But when you are head over heels for someone these things are usual. P.s in my case.

So, I didn’t just kill the lady in my head but also confessed my affection or obsession with Zayn. Everyone gasped when they saw the lady locking her pinkie painted lips with Zayn. However, everyone forgot to pay attention to the baby. I was worried about what if the baby was of Zayn's. The last thing I wanted was a lady showing up with a baby and announcing Zayn and herself as the baby’s parents.

The lady was on the ground whimpering loudly. She was pushed away by Zayn so forcefully that she landed on the floor. I flinched as I watched her sobbing on the floor. No one seemed interested in helping the lady to stand up, they all were glaring at her.

“Who the fuck do you think you are?” Zayn hissed, as he bent down to the level of the lady, however, he still managed to tower her. His demeanour turned cold. “Tell me, who the fuck do you think you are to barge into my fucking mansion and kiss me with your filthy mouth” he roared, causing me to flinch while the lady began to cry louder. Hearing Zayn’s outburst the baby began to cry as well.

“Take your kid and get the fuck out of my house.” Zayn said “If I ever see your filthy face again I won't think twice before I peel off your skin”

By now the lady was shivering as a fish does outside of the water. She was trembling. “GET OUT” Zayn yelled at her face.

“She’s scared, brother,” Ace said, still holding the crying baby. He was patting the baby’s back to make him stop crying. “Let me handle her, till then you hold his infant”

“Fuck, No” Zayn grimaced, standing as far as he could from the baby.

Ace rolled his eyes before glaring at the lady “Listen to me very carefully, not so young lady, there’s a word called limit which is certainly not familiar to you. So we are giving you a chance to go home and study about it. And like our boss said if he sees you again he will peel off your skin but if I see you ever again, starting from your toes I’ll tear you limb by limb, then-”

“Enough” I shouted, instead of handling the situation Ace was making it worse. “Can someone be kind enough and show her the exit?”

No one was kind enough to show her the exit. She was sitting on the floor like a statue. She wasn’t moving. She was traumatised. On the other, the baby kept crying. My head was hurting from all the bullshit and this baby’s cry was like a cherry on a cake. And for an unknown reason, I wanted to stuff my face in that cake in irritation.

Letting out a huff I walked towards Ace and gently took the baby in my hands and walked outside. I strolled in the garden while patting the baby's back. Two of Zayn's men were following me, which was kind of irritating and weird since I've never been followed like this. Ignoring them I hummed the lyrics so it could work as a lullaby. While humming the lullaby my mind wandered to the lady and Zayn. I cringed. I was hurt. It was clear that Zayn wasn't into her which was a relief however I was still experiencing heartache and jealously. I was mad at Zayn. I didn't know why but I was mad at Zayn. Knowing that it wasn't his fault but still part of me hated that he had the most attractive face.

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