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“Oh, baby, look what you’ve done to me
Oh, baby, look what you’ve done now”
.   .   .

"Last time I had a sex dream, I was having sex with the person I'm in love with,"  Levi admitted, a weak smile on his face. My jaw hit the floor, and I was stunned. I couldn't understand if I was elated, shocked, well, I was overwhelmed. He loves someone. I couldn't believe what I was hearing. I wanted to know more about the person he loves, but I didn't want to be a weird nosy woman. 

"You-You are in l-love?" I questioned him with a stutter. He responded with a shrug as if it wasn't a big deal, but it was. His honey-brown eyes weren't as gleaming as they once were, and they appeared dull and hollow. He was clearly attempting to be normal about it, but I could see he was upset on the inside.

"It's one-sided," he said, smiling weakly. "He's not into me" my heart swelled up, as I heard him, and then I understood why his eyes weren't shining. Life is inevitable; it may make you happy in a second and then take your happiness away in the blink of an eye, and you're left wondering what happened. But shortly, my eyebrows drew together in bewilderment as I replayed what Levi had said in my head, and I realised that he mentioned the term 'he'.

"He?" I questioned, raising my left eyebrow at him. When we first met, I didn't pass judgement on him or make any assumptions about him or his sexuality.

"Please, don't tell anyone," he asked hesitantly as if he didn't realise what he just said or he might have just blurted it out "Only you and Ace know that I'm gay, and him of course," he confessed. Zayn and Levi had a lot in common: they were both secretive and put their privacy first. Hold on, Ace knows but Zayn doesn't?

"Your secret is safe with me, I promise," I informed and assured him with a soft smile. He returned my smile and thanked me. One thing I couldn't quite wonder was why Zayn was unaware of Levi. Or maybe Zayn was aware of it but chose not to tell Levi. Or maybe something else. 

Before my brain filled up with questions, I decided to ask Levi "Why doesn't Zayn know about it?" I questioned. 

Levi let out a sigh. "I didn't tell him," he explained, "and he thinks I'm straight because he keeps offering me, girls, for one-night stands, and I can tell him about my sexuality, he won't appreciate the fact that I'm gay" I was taken aback by Levi's statement. 

"You are his younger brother, he has to appreciate your sexuality!" I exclaimed, raising my voice. 

"What if he's homophobic?" Levi pointed out making me think for a while, Zayn couldn't be homophobic, I meant, LGBTQ is common, moreover, it's his own younger brother, for crying out loud. Even if he was homophobic he wouldn't show it so Levi would feel upset, I was sure of it. 

"What if he is not?" I said, raising my eyebrows at him "We can perhaps ask his perspective on the LGBTQ community?" I suggested, if Levi doesn't want to talk directly to Zayn about his sexual preference then we can ask Zayn about his perspective on the LGBTQ community. 

"That sounds good," he said, agreeing with me "But are you sure, you will be able to face him after having a sex dream about him?" He smirked and slightly raised his right brow as if he was teasing me. 

I huffed in annoyance and replied "It was just a stupid dream"

"Whatever you say" he smirked, making me roll my eyes. We both stood up from Levi's bed and made our way out of his room to Zayn's office "By the way, what's with the bruises?" He pointed out the two marks, one on the centre of my forehead and the last one was on my nose. 

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