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"Got a secret
Can you keep it?
Swear, this one you'll save"
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"She was constantly checking her phone and email," Octavio told as he handed another file to Zayn.

"Why?" I questioned but was met with death glares from Zayn, Octavio, and Hunter, prompting me to close my mouth. Their glares have the power to kill you. These men already appeared deadly, and receiving their glares will make you pee in your pants. But, thankfully, I didn't pee in my pants.

"I was just being curious," I gave my reason "You guys keep going," I said as I raised my hands in surrender and gestured them to continue.

They all turned their gazes to their work and resumed their conversation. When I entered Zayn's office, Ace informed me that Zayn, Octavio, and Hunter had been talking about a woman for half an hour. She was some sort of spy and a potential danger to Zayn's Mafia.

After 15 minutes, Zayn said, "Okay." Octavio and Hunter returned to their original seats. Zayn's attention had shifted to me. His dark brown eyes were fixed on me, making me feel uneasy. I couldn't figure out why I had such an effect when Zayn is around. Part of me enjoyed it, while the other part despised it.

"What did you see in the documents, Nyx?" Zayn's inquiry started. He had his Mafia leader mode on, as he said my name instead of 'sweetheart'. I was curious as to know how many women he refers to as sweetheart because I was certain that I wasn't the only one, he obviously has thousands of women wrapped around his fingers. His sharp yet delicate gazes never left mine. I sighed and got ready to answer.

"Words were printed on it with black ink" I foolishly mouthed my thoughts. And internally facepalmed, I didn't mean to say it out loud but it eventually came out of my mouth. I was prepared to answer correctly and yet I ended up behaving like a total nutcracker.

"What was printed?" Zayn asked calmly. Even his calmness seemed dangerous to me at that point of time.

"Words" and once again out of nervousness I said something I shouldn't have said. And the next thing I knew was a terrifying bang sound of a gun and a bullet stuck in my head. The blood started pouring out of my head as I lay injured on the floor.

"King, let me," Ace said pulling me out from my dreadful thoughts. Zayn gave a nod to Ace as a gesture to speak.

"Nyx, please stop bothering us and tell us how much you saw and what was written in the documents?" Ace inquired, his voice dripping with seriousness. The Ace, I used to know was no longer there, and this Ace was the ruthless second in command of Zayn's mafia.

"The first thing I read when I opened the envelope was 'pact of brotherhood,' which was written in capital bold letters. Two names were written under that pact. Unfortunately, I don't recall the name, but I recall that one of the names had the last name, Malik. I tried to read on, but I couldn't comprehend anything since it seemed to be written in some sort of code language, I mean it was bizarre and made no sense, so I thought it was written in some sort of code language." I truthfully told them and shrugged. I still remember these three words 'PACT OF BROTHERHOOD'. And I wouldn't deny that these words still give me shivers. Just because of this document my family thinks that I'm dead. Hold on, it's wasn't the only thing which was written on it. And then something clicked in my brain.

"And and and, war was mentioned there too!" I excitedly said slamming my hands twice on Zayn's table like a kid.

I observed Zayn's expression; he appeared to be attempting to figure out what the contract meant. He exhaled and rubbed his temples. His muscles were as usual pressed against his white shirt's fabric whereas his coat was nowhere to be seen. I switched my gazes and noticed Octavio, who was typing on his laptop as Hunter and Ace were engrossed in a deep and serious conversation.

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