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It's been four fucking days since my son was taken away from me. It's been more than 96 hours since I've held my son. I felt like a part of my body was ripped off from me. I was missing my son, I wanted to have him back in my arms. But a son of a bitch decided to steal my son from me and I would blame no one but Nyx for that. She was the reason Zayn held my baby in the first place. She has no idea how thankful I was to her when she made Zayn carry my son, but then the fact that he wouldn't leave my son out of his goddamn sight made my blood boil. I loathed every second when Zayn, my brother from another mother didn't even spare a single glance at my son. I wanted him to believe in me and that he was my son, I wanted Zayn to accept my son as others did. But now that asshole has accepted my son in a way that he was not leaving him and it was getting on my nerves.

I was partially jealous that why the fuck my son is getting along with his uncle so well. I remember the day when I held him for the first time. He was bawling his eyes out, his noise was deafening my ears but as came into my arms he automatically stopped crying as if he sensed that I was his dad. I've never felt a need for a significant other or a family, I just kept my focus on my work. I never longed for any female to be my wife or have children. I needed an heir just to take my place in the mafia when I retire, this was the sole purpose for me to have a child. To me marrying someone and then having a family with them was just a bullshit idea. But when I looked into my son's eyes I realised that I was wrong. I saw a positive ray of light, I saw hope. I felt complete. It was the best feeling ever. It was ethereal.

I didn't care if the DNA results came in our favour, I've accepted him as my son and I won't abandon him, never in a million years. And if someone tried to hurt him I will torture them and everyone they love in front of their eyes and then burn all of them alive.

Zayn hasn't left my son's side ever since he held him. He has been putting off attending meetings and watching over issues which were taking a toll on us. Hunter and I have been trying our best to deal with the meetings, the issues with the weapon supplier, and the recruits. Octavio has been dealing with the drug dealers who were catfishing our mafia and keeping track of the diamond shipment that was about to arrive. Zayn's shit of a father has done horrible things, and made terrible mistakes but making Zayn the boss was his best decision. Even though Zayn became the boss on his own, his father has a great hand in it. Attending meetings, sorting out issues with drug dealers, and managing recruits were like a piece of cake for Zayn.

I've been trying to be on my best behaviour but as the seconds passed I could feel that I was losing my shit. My sanity was getting diminished. I kept pacing around the room where Zayn and my son were. Nyx was with Levi, perhaps that was the best choice for her because I didn't want to yell at her or hurt her at any cost. My dagger was ready, I had sharpened it in the morning. It was shining and was ready to taste Zayn's blood.

"Zayn, can I have my son back?" I asked as politely as I could. As I mentioned I was trying to be on my best behaviour.

"No, go back to your work" he didn't even bother to look up when he gave me a straight reply.

My fingers clasped tightly around my dagger. "Dear brother, please can I have my son back? I haven't held him for days" I asked again.

He stood up walking away with my son, his back facing me. "No," he said.

"Motherfucker give me my son back" I roared, throwing my dagger at his butt.

"What the fuck is wrong with you?” He yelled, pulling out my dagger covered with his blood “I have my nephew in my arms"

"That nephew is my son! I want him back right now or my other dagger will land on your dick” I threatened him. I didn't have any other dagger, nor was I going to stab his dick.

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