39 | I GAVE UP

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“Could you find a way to let me down slowly?
A little sympathy, I hope you can show me”

Ace was aware that something was wrong with Zayn. Every time I tried to ask Ace a question about Zayn, he would either respond with a question of his own or talk about the weather. Octavio, on the other hand, had no idea what was going on; he was as clueless as I was, but he didn't care if something was wrong with Zayn or not. Octavio would rather do nothing than worry about Zayn since he believes Zayn was intelligent enough to fix his own situation. However, I wasn't okay with it. I wanted to know what was wrong with Zayn because he has been there with me during my hard times, so I wanted to be with him and help as well. The major question in my head was, why was he behaving weirdly? I'll be honest; I was concerned about him. He didn't seem like himself and it was bothering me.

He never left my side during my menstruation, he was understanding and supportive of my predicament. I saw a compassionate and caring side of him during those days, which made me glad. I considered myself fortunate to have these five insanely attractive men in my life. They were supportive. I never thought I'd be comforted by men during my menstruations. The friendship we formed was pure, and the trust we built was unbreakable.

"She's hot," Ace commented, looking at our left side. Following his gaze, I saw a lady, standing a few steps away from us. She was standing with her friends, wearing a red skin-tight dress ending above her knees. Her lips were coated with red mat lipstick, she had blond hair.

She glanced at Ace with lustful eyes. "Is that the part where you approach her?" I said, turning back to Ace.

He scoffed and replied "I don't approach women, they approach me" his lips curled up into a smirk, as his eyes landed on the lady. She blushed, biting her lips.

"This is so exciting, I am trying not to squeal," I said, controlling my squeal.

"Do not squeal," Ace scolded, and I zipped my mouth.

A waiter approached us, with two drinks kept on the tray, he glanced at me before turning to Ace "Sir, this drink is from the lady over there" the waiter said, gesturing in the direction of the same lady. Ace gladly took the glass with a smirk on his face. He looked at the lady before sipping the drink. A volcano of excitement burst inside my body, I was weirdly getting excited for them.

The waiter turned towards me "And this one is from me" he said, giving the drink to me. I dumbfoundedly looked back and forth at the waiter and the drink. I didn't see that one coming. Before I could act, Octavio drank the drink.

"Bring one more," Octavio said, sending the waiter away. I gave him an 'are-you-for-real' glance, and he just shrugged.

We saw the lady walking towards Ace, she put her hand on his shoulder and whispered something in his ears. Ace smirked.

"Don't leave her side?" Ace said to Octavio, before going away with the lady. I watched them disappear in the crowd. Whilst watching them I heard the sound of glass breaking.

"Son of a bitch" Octavio hissed, glaring at the man, who poured red wine on Octavio's white coat. This wasn't good. The look on Octavio's face hinted to the man that he was dead. He grabbed the man by his collar and began punching him.

"Octavio" I shouted while trying to push him away from the man and I failed.

Suddenly, a sound of a gunshot boomed in the entire hall, causing people to scream. Within a second, chaos was created in Lux. The single gunshot was then followed by many gunshots. People were helplessly collapsing to the ground. I quickly hid behind a metallic table. My heartbeat raised, I glanced at Octavio. He was still beating the man.

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