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“Did you have to do this?
I was thinking that you could be trusted
Did you have to ruin what was shining now it's all rusted”
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When Ace got his pen back, he was overjoyed, and that's how I imagined our ride back home would be, but it didn't turn out that way; for some reason, Zayn was infuriated. He pretended to be alright, but his jaw was tightened, and he kept massaging his forehead with his index finger and thumb, and most importantly, he didn't say anything. Zayn's silence and small gestures clearly indicated that he was angry. Whenever Zayn gets angry, he stops talking and rubs his temples. We had no idea what was wrong with Zayn, and neither did Ace or me. He dismissed Ace when he tried to talk to him. Despite the fact that Zayn was silent, his silence was so loud that it freaked me out. It also hinted that he's going to lash out his anger the moment we step inside the mansion or his office. Pissed off Zayn wasn't good news.

After reaching the mansion, he dashed towards his office, leaving us behind scared and unsure. It was bad, a little voice in my head said. It was indeed bad, but the reason why he was angry was still a mystery to everyone, only Zayn knew why he was angry and with whom. We gathered up courage and followed him. Taking all of us by surprise, Zayn was sitting calmly on his throne. His tie was loosened and the first two buttons of his white shirt were open. His head was resting on the headrest of his seat and his eyes were closed. He looked peaceful however his duality could dissolve his peaceful demeanour into a chaotic one. There was this striking feature in these Mafia men that they wear so smoothly, it was their duality, however, not everyone possessed this duality, so far I've observed Ace, Hunter, Zayn duality, that when there were on job they had their dangerous Mafia aura around them and when they were at home they behaved like normal men who were not obsessed with killing people. Ace and I exchanged confused looks, Hunter unsurely gestured to us to take our seat. We sat still for half an hour and Zayn didn't move from his seat. As much as I hated the deafening silence I had to sit and wait for his reaction.

My back was in terrible pain, my mind couldn't bear the irritating silence. No one has said anything for the past two and a half hours, thus, I decided to break the silence "I think I should leave" I said, giving up waiting for Zayn. Part of me wanted to sit and another part of me wanted to give my back a little rest.

As I began to stand up, I heard a scoff coming from Zayn as he said "Why did you enter my office in the first place? Let me guess because Ace was coming in here so you decided to enter too, right?" He sat straight and looked at me with disgust.

Absurd, I looked at him unbelievably, he opened his mouth after three hours to speak nothing but bullshit? Despite the fact that my back was killing me, I kept waiting for him. Two and a half hours I let our fight aside and I waited for him and this is what I got? Was he jealous of Ace? What the bloody hell was going on in his brain? Did he think this low of me?

"What are you trying to imply?" I asked him, I felt anger building up inside me "Don't tell me because I bet whatever you are thinking is bullshit. What is the fuck is wrong with you?" I snapped.

"Wrong with me? Are you seriously asking me that? It's been three fucking days since I'm tolerating that filthy attitude of yours. Why can't you understand a simple thing that you are living in my mansion, you can't talk to me like that? Why are you so fucking dumb?" he yelled, he stood up, slamming his hands on his table. His eyes were filled with rage while his voice was filled with venom.

I scoffed and yelled unable to control my anger "I never asked to live here, you forced me to live with you. You know what? it would have been a lot easier if you would have left me in the burning building. You are so full of yourself that you don't even care about others, no wonder why Levi hates you so much."

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