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“Boy, you got me hooked onto something
Who could say that they saw us coming?
Tell me
Do you feel the love?”

There’s a kiss that feels like it’s setting your body on fire. It’s as sweet as honey and as dangerous as drugs that can make you addicted to it. A kiss can instil a sense of enchantment in your body. There’s nothing more blissful than that. I’ve felt the same way every time Zayn and I kissed. I felt myself getting closer to Zayn as time passed. I felt as if he possessed some sort of magnetic energy that was dragging me inexorably towards him. Everything he did was mesmerising but at times the way he treated me was irritating. He treated me as if I were his property or something that he owned and I despised it. He had to understand that I wasn't his property. He had to stop being a jerk. Zayn was hard to understand. The more I tried to understand what he was all about the more mysterious and complex he became. This made me more curious about him. And trying to understand him is like chasing the clouds.

A loud rumbling sound came from my stomach. I huffed as I remembered that I haven't had my breakfast. Because of the sudden arrival of the Sicilian mafia, I didn't get a chance to have my breakfast. Stepping a step back, I shifted my gazes and looked at Zayn, as he emerged from the bathroom with a smirk on his face. Once again, I found myself puzzled while gazing at his smirk. My mind was already consumed by his thoughts whereas my stomach was whimpering for food, so I chose to put food as my priority because I knew that at the end of the day all of my efforts to understand Zayn will go in vain.

“I am going to have my breakfast, you wanna join?” I asked.

“Sure,” he replied, shrugging.

Crossing all the rooms and a lift we made our way to the dining room. Zayn was on his mobile, chatting with someone. He didn't even look up for a mere second, a big part of me was curious to know with whom he was chatting as I have never seen him pressing the keys of his mobile phone with so much interest. Not that I was jealous or anything, I just wanted to know who this person was. I quickly averted my gaze when Zayn locked his iPhone and slid his mobile inside his pocket. He let out a deep sigh and ran his hand through his dark silky hair.

In a twinkling of an eye, Zayn stopped walking, his face grew pale as his lips parted, in a way that he was in utter shock. His eyes were frozen at something. He was standing like a statue. Out of curiosity, I followed his gaze and let out a gasp when I saw what Zayn saw. My heart skipped a beat while my eyes refused to believe the thing that I saw gawking at. 

“What the fuck do you think you are doing?” Zayn roared, shooting Octavio with his best death glare. Zayn's breath was heavy, he kept clenching and unclenching his jaw. I frightenedly jumped back.

Octavio stumbled backwards as he got forcefully pushed by Levi. Fear was what Levi and Octavio had in their eyes when they looked at Zayn. Levi slapped a hand on his forehead, as he stared at Zayn and Octavio simultaneously. His elder brother was fuming with rage, since being a fucked up elder brother Zayn had all right to be angry at the guy who was choking his younger brother. Yes, Octavio was choking Levi by shoving his tongue down Levi's throat.

“I—I—I—I can explain” Levi stuttered, saying a very cliche dialogue. Levi appeared to be terrified of Zayn's presence, even I was terrified of how Zayn will react to this situation.

“King, there was something inside Levi's mouth,” Octavio lied, he looked terrified as well. Hearing his bullshit lie I mentally slapped my forehead. “I was just helping him”

I internally laughed, however when I glanced at Zayn, there was no sign of a laugh or smile on his face. There was no sign of any emotions on his face. He stared at Octavio as if he was going to kill Octavio with his bare hands.

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