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"Welcome to the panic room
Where all your darkest fears are gonna
Come for you"
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Beauty is all around us, especially in you, all you have to do is glance in the mirror to see something lovely, and when I looked myself in the mirror all I could see was the reflection of someone who wasn't me, I was wearing a dark red dangerously skin-tight dress, ending above my mid-thigh. The dress was perfectly showing off my curves. My heels were high, very high that they gave me a sense of insecurity that I might fall. I must appreciate Zayn's dressing sense, he not only choose the dress but also the heels however I felt like I was standing in the middle of a podium and hundreds of horny men were staring at me. I felt cringe but it was my decision of helping Zayn even though he didn't want my help. I should stop complaining "I am feeling so naked" I mouthed my thoughts. "This dress is so tight, I can't even move" I groaned as I noticed how uncomfortably I was moving.

I abruptly turned around and said with worry "What if I bend and something really bad happens?"

"The dress is made up of very high-quality fabric nothing's gonna happen" Hunter replied, Zayn had to check up on his men and ensure that the mission goes well so he left the room shortly after he selected my dress and heels. And as soon as he left the room Hunter and Octavio came in.

"How do you know? Did you make them?" I said in annoyance.

"Shut up" he snapped, making me frown.

"If you are done with the inspection, you need to find a place to keep these knives" Octavio stated and showed me two small-sized knives. I looked at him and then back at the knives, my body barely fit beneath this dress how will I be able to fit two knives?

"Do I have to?" I asked helplessly.

"Yes," they both replied in unison.

I looked down at the dress in search of a hiding spot but I couldn't find any "There's no particular place to hide these" I said. "Where do you hide your knives?" I added. Hunter showed me his knife, which was tucked into his waistband close to his gun, while his other knife was hidden in his tux. Octavio, on the other hand, had three different kinds of guns stuffed inside his waistband. There was absolutely no room for tucking two knives in my dress, at that moment I remembered the scenes from thriller movies and series.

"I have seen this thing in the movies where the people keep their knives in their shoes, can I get those kinda shoes?" I asked them. If I can't hide the knives in my dress then I will hide them in the shoes.

"You are so complaining," Octavio said, giving me a look.

"Do you have those shoes or not?" I demanded.

We heard the sound of shoes clicking on the floor, followed by Zayn's voice. "There's no such kind of shoes, you just have to fit your knife in it," he said as he entered the room with Ace and Kourtney. He massaged his temples and tightened his jaw as he stared at me from head to toe.

"She's all dressed up now it's time for her makeup," Hunter told Zayn.

"Kourtney will do your makeup," Zayn said, I didn't react because I sort of saw this coming.

"I never thought I'd have to touch you, but if my king wants it, I'll do it." I rolled my eyes when Kourtney opened her gutter mouth.

"If my king wants it, I'll do it," I said in a mocking tone making Octavio and Zayn smirk and on the other hand, Hunter and Ace let out a laugh.

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