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It's just another night, and I'm staring at the moon
I saw a shooting star and thought of you

“I think I did something bad” was the first thing that I heard from Levi as I entered his room. There was a massive hint of panic on his face. His eyebrows were knitted together in the way that they were indicating how much tensed Levi was, and a crease was formed on his forehead. Scratching his head, Levi asserted “And I feel like I am about to receive the deadliest karma someone has ever received”  

“First of all, stop being a drama queen, drink some water and spill the tea!” I demanded, taking a seat on the sofa. For a reason that I wasn’t aware of Levi grimaced at me before taking a sip of water. My feet impatiently begin to tap against the floor. I had a bunch of questions for Levi that had to be answered or my mind would explode. It was going to be a long day. 

Levi cleared his throat, scratching his head, I waited for him to start speaking, however, instead of speaking he again cleared his throat. He took a deep breath and opened his mouth to speak but he cleared his throat for the third time. I cursed internally. “Boy, stop that before your vocal cords swell up and speak out loud” I snapped in irritation. 

“Conor, Zayn, Octavio” was the only thing that he said. 

I rolled my eyes and said “The guy you have been flirting with, the guy who happens to be your elder brother, the guy who you were kissing”  

“I don’t know what to do,” he said “Conor, is a really nice guy but I just can’t help my feelings when it comes to Octavio. I mean he makes me feel like I am the main character of a movie but he also makes me feel like I am a sidekick character of the same movie. It’s so frustrating” 

Damn! My subconscious said. It is that irritatingly frustrating and emotional feeling when someone makes you feel like you are the god damn precious human in the entire world, but when that someone’s mood swing steps in, the god damn precious human is still the precious human but not the way they were in beginning, they are just human who are put on the pedestal and then pushed aside. But why would Octavio do that?

“But you and Octavio kissed for the first time right?” I questioned. A blush formed on Levi’s face as he struggled to speak. could that blush be a hint that Levi and Octavio have kissed more than once? A gasp escaped from my mouth when I came to a conclusion. “You little runt-” 

 “Hey! I am taller than you” he said, smirking at me. 

“Do not change the topic” I retorted, while he kept smirking “Coming back to the topic, you need to talk to Conor and Zayn but before that, I need to have my breakfast or I will faint”

“Sure my queen” Levi said as he stood up dramatically bowing before me. “also, you have to help me when I talk to Conor”

I agreed with him and we headed to the kitchen. I checked my mobile to see if there was any reply from Ace but there was none. A loud crashing sound came making Levi and I flinch. The sound was followed by Zayn’s voice “Elijah, keep the mansion protected, I want double security than usual.” Zayn emerged from his office, with a gun in his hand, and an unusually tall man following him. Zayn's head snapped in our direction, he glared at me “Do not let these two go out until I’m back” 

Zayn was in a hurry. His demeanour was frightening. I was concerned about the gun in his hand, as well as his rage. He seemed like he was preparing himself as if he was going on a mission of mass murder. 

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