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. . .
"Made a wrong turn, once or twice
Dug my way out, blood and fire
Bad decisions, that's alright
Welcome to my silly life"
. . .

"Look, the world outside this mansion is dangerous, and one false step will put you to death. So, I'd like you to begin training right away." Zayn told me and I blinked once, twice, thrice, fourth time, fifth time. I was a trained boxer, I used to spend most of the time learning how to punch and kick properly. And my trainer was the world's best motivator and a wonderful woman, her name was Nyx Styles. Yeah, me, I trained myself because due to my aggressive nature many trainers refused to train me, thus, training myself was the only choice I had instead of remaining untrained.

"Uh-Okay" I replied while biting my lower lip in nervousness.

"C'mon" and by that Zayn stood up from his throne and ordered me to follow him. I thought we would be moving out of his office but I was mistaken. Zayn walked towards the corner of his room and stood in front of a wall, my eyes widened when I saw him pressing a switch which appeared out of nowhere. And like those senses in movies where the protagonist pulls out a book from their shelf and a secret door appears the same thing happened in Zayn's office as well.

My jaw was hanging open, and my eyes were about to jump out of their sockets. The secret room was not a room, it was a massive gym. The gym was also highly current in terms of the equipment and the appearance of the equipment, which indicated that it was brand new. Hundreds of lights were turned on, and then I saw the word "reaper" was inscribed in large letters on the wall. How rich was he? Will I ever get the answers to all my questions?

"Your tonsils are lovely, but keep your mouth shut," Zayn said with a hint of sarcasm. I poked my tongue out at him. "Real mature" he added shaking his head.

"Coming straight to the point," he said turning towards me "I know you can punch but your punches are weak. Hence, I'm appointing Octavio as your trainer."

I looked at him unbelievably, by now it was quite proved that Octavio and I hated each other or more as Octavio hated me for no reason. Why was everyone hating me for no reason? The last time I checked I was minding my own business and suddenly a man name Octavio came and started hating on me. Zayn knew that Octavio and I could never tolerate each other than why the hell did he do that to me? At that point of time, I knew I wasn't going live peacefully or maybe that crack head named Octavio will murder me. Instead of asking him why did he make that kind of decision I changed my question.

"Then where the hell is he?" I asked Zayn.

"Right behind you" I jumped in fear when I heard Octavio's voice from my behind.

"Where the bloody hell did you come from?" I said loudly.

"Shut up, I've prepared your training schedule and I expect you to follow it faithfully and if you fail to do so then you have to deal with Hunter" Octavio informed handing over a folder to me. "And Hunter is quite strict" he added.

"When is he not?" I muttered.

Octavio exited the gym the same way we entered, once the folder was in my hands. I cast a glance at Zayn, who had already locked his gaze on me. He softly tucked some of my hair behind my ear, which caught me completely off guard.

Wouldn't it be awkward if we both remained silent? "Uh- Levi and I baked a chocolate cake and we're about to eat it, would you like to join us?" I said.

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