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[Note: Not a chapter but you must read it]

They had been in love since they were in the tenth grade or so.

He desired to wed her.
So did she

However, she was aware that her family would be against their marriage,
He didn't understand despite her best efforts to explain.

He started pestering her and trying to get her to marry him,
but she refused and moved on.

She began to ignore him,
He took a wrong turn because he was unable to handle it.

He threatened to destroy her,
and she viewed it as a joke.

Spoiler, he wasn't joking.

This is a real-life incident and I couldn't get it out of my head. Regardless of how hard I try, pictures of her and the kidnapping flash before my eyes.

Yes, I did see her kidnapping. She works at my mother's salon. It was a usual day which turned out to be a dreadful one.

She got abducted because she refused to marry her ex-boyfriend. Pathetic? I know right?! I'm not sure why it's so difficult for folks to comprehend that a no means no. If someone said no, they must fucking obey that decision! Why is it so difficult to understand a two-letter word? 

Reading about a kidnapping by a dashing mafia, falling in love with a gang member, a drug dealer, etc., makes it sound so exciting. Everything of this sort seems good only in literature. When I saw her getting kidnap — well — what I actually saw was two skinny males in a fucking bike, one of them was holding something which I couldn't see because I wasn't wearing my fucking spectacles. I was standing on the balcony when I witnessed this. My neighbour told me that it is one of your mum's employees. We all panicked.

When she was kidnapped, my dad and another coworker hurried to inform her family. She lives with her brother and the rest of her family lives somewhere else. We called the cops and they were as usual useless! The residents in our area were active enough to repeatedly contact the police and chase them. They were moving quite quickly when they seized her. When she attempted to escape their hold, they slapped her while holding a knife to her throat.

Thanks to the people they caught the kidnappers and save her. Thanks to the cops who at the end of the day beat the shit out of those two fuckers.

She is saved, they didn't get any chance to hurt her. She boldly snatched the bike's key, forcing it to fall.

I'm writing this to persuade you to see the warning signs of toxic behaviour in your relationships and the people you're around. I am aware that people in love often choose to ignore any warning signs. Also, to be an active citizen, they were many people from yesterday's incident who chose to stay out of the matter. They chose to focus on their usual life. I understand that life goes on, and I have no right to say shit about them but your least afford can bring a major change.

Recognise the red flag(s) and walk the fuck away! Inform someone, and do something before thing (bad things) escalates.

Recognize the warning signs when someone disrespects your boundaries and can't take "no" for an answer while trying to trick you into thinking they're too severe and hurtful to them. (Try to blackmail)

When boundaries are crossed, don't compromise your own security and comfort in order to appease another person. Boundaries are there to be respected.


These are some of the red flags that I discovered on Tumblr under the username - missxfaithc

-never able to call/text back

-uses excuses all the time about being sick or tired or not having wifi so they can't text/call

-refuses to talk about family/friends

-gets angry when you call them out on never talking/texting you

-blames you for everything/manipulates you into thinking you're always the one in the wrong even when you're not

-guilts you into staying in the relationship by threatening self-harm/suicide

-tries to make constant excuses for their behaviour, including things like mental health issues and medical issues

-"apologizes" but in a passive-aggressive way

-won't let you look at their text messages ever or their social media

-uses their personal problems as a way to manipulate you into doing what they want

-whenever you try to bring up a topic they don't like, they ghost you for the rest of the day and then if you try to bring it up again later at some point they do the same thing

-no matter how much you try to communicate with them, they shut you out and give you one-word responses or short responses like "okay" and "yeah" and "whatever" and "I don't know" and "I don't care"

-does not take your words seriously

-lies and gets caught in a lie and then flips the resulting argument back on you to make you look like the bad person

-when you call them out on something they said in the past (and you have proof of it too) they just deny it anyway and say they "don't remember saying that"

-when you genuinely forget something they told you once or maybe twice, they get super pissed off about it and make you feel like a shitty person for not remembering

-when you get into an argument they say super nasty shit to you (call you names, swear at you, etc.) and then profusely "apologize" a few hours or a day later and say it's only because they "care so much" about the relationship

-once again, threatening suicide if you try to break up with them/leave them-this is a MASSIVE red flag and if this happens you need to 1) get them professional help if you can and 2) leave the relationship immediately, especially if this is a recurring issue

-once again, threatening suicide if you try to break up with them/leave them-this is a MASSIVE red flag and if this happens you need to 1) get them professional help if you can and 2) leave the relationship immediately, especially if this is a rec...

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