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Oh, love it when I tear off your clothes
Slowly steaming up the windows
My skin on your skin, again and again
Sweat for me, sweat for me”

I didn't know where this boldness came into me, especially when I was talking to, more like seducing Zayn. He has always made sure that I was comfortable around him. I was used to saying anything that came into mind but sober Nyx could never muster up the courage to speak such things. My mind was entirely under my control, but my mouth chose to betray me. My words spilt everything I was thinking. Sober Nyx never intended to say it aloud. Nyx, both sober and inebriated, desired Zayn.

I waited for him to react or do something. Anything. His eyes bore into mine. My thumb caressed his cheek. He appeared to be thinking about something very important. His gaze shifted from my eyes to my lips, back and forth. He was taking too much time. Perhaps he didn't want me. Still decided to wait a little longer.

One Mississippi
Two Mississippi
Three Mississippi

“You are drunk,” He said, finally. Correction, we both were drunk. He had a strong odour of alcohol coming from him.

“So are you”

“Fuck it” he grunted. With a jerk, he pulled me closer to him and taking my breath away his lips finally met mine. His lips were rough and demanding.  Suddenly he pulled away “No, fuck! What the fuck am I doing?” he said, stepping back. He seemed like he was regretting his decision.

“What’s wrong?” I asked, “Do you not want this?”

“I fucking want this, but this is not how you should be losing your virginity” He snapped, running his hand through his dark hair.

“I don't care!” I said, controlling my anger. letting out a sigh I asserted “Zayn, I am giving you thirty seconds to decide whether you want to do this or not and if you back out then I'm gonna walk out of this door and find—”

“Don’t you dare” he hissed and once again I got to feel his lips. This time I was mentally praying that he doesn't change his mind. I was practically begging him to fuck me but this dumbhead was concerned about my virginity. “Except for me, no one on this fucking planet gets to kiss these lips,” he said, sending shivers down my spine. I smiled because I didn't want to kiss someone who was not Zayn. I might have said that I'll find someone else but that wasn't true. I could never do that.

He climbed over me, grabbing my hands and holding them in one of his hands above my head. His hot breath fanned my jawline as he leaned closer to me. He brushed his lips on my jaw, teasingly. His touch made me shiver. His gaze shifted to the bare collarbone on my chest. He leaned in and kissed me on the neck with wet kisses. My brain had already given up when I drank that spiked liquor but now when he started to torture my neck my brain was on the sixth dimension. 

I could feel knots forming in my stomach. Kisses skimmed my neck.  His lips teased my skin as he nipped, licked, and sucked on it. He bit my earlobe, and I barely managed to keep the moan from escaping my lips. My eyes rolled back as I relished the sensation. He quickened his pace. He sucked on my skin aggressively and painfully. “Don’t hold back your moans” he demanded.

He undid the buttons of his shirt and slid his shirt off his shoulders, revealing his six pack abs and tattooed chest. He had a drool-worthy body. Greek god, he was. I gulped when he took off his belt. “Relax,” he said, he must have sensed my nervousness “Let me make you feel good”

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