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"At night, when the stars light up my room
I sit by myself
Talking to the moon"
. . .

She shifted her weight to the other side of the bed and let out a groan. Since the night fell and we headed for sleep, well, that's what I thought we'd do, but neither of us were sleepy, so I simply laid on the bed pretending to be asleep while Nyx kept rolling on the bed, which was kinda obnoxious because she wasn't sleeping and she wasn't letting me sleep either.

Today I was inches away from telling her about my past. And I had no notion why I had to justify myself to her in the first place. Why did I feel the need to justify myself? My impulsive parents and younger brother were crushed by the decision I took years ago. Levi was the only person who had actually cared about me from the beginning, and I didn't want him to be taken away from me like everyone else who cared for me. My father has always wanted me to be like him: smart, which he thought he was but wasn't, tough, brutal, and the most dreaded Mafia and biggest drug dealer in the world. He turned me into a brutal killer, and he was the reason my younger brother despised me. Despite Levi's animosity toward me, I was delighted I took that decision. I was delighted I took Levi and left our parents behind.

Bringing Nyx with me was the only decision I half-heartedly regretted. Having her to stay in the house, in my fucking room, and in my own fucking bed, which I loathed sharing with anyone, yet here she was, sleeping next to me. I couldn't understand what was the matter with me. I, Zayn Marco Pheonix, the world's second most feared Mafia's leader was letting a woman with anger issues sleep next to him, I was letting her go around shouting at me.

I heard another groan from her side as She switched her position again "For fuck's sake stop moving" I said irritatedly. Taking me by surprise she listened to me and stopped moving. Listening to me was one of the most things that she didn't like to do. She shifted closer to me in a nanosecond and flung her right leg on my abdomen and right arm on my chest. I first looked at her arm, which rested on my chest, then at her leg, which rested on my abdomen and lastly at her. Do I look like a teddy bear to her? For fuck's sake I'm a fucking Mafia king!

She huffed and sat up straight, rubbing her eyes with her hands "I can't sleep!" She whined but soon her eyes lit up and she suggested "Hey, let's go to the balcony"

"Why?" I asked, why does she wants to go to the balcony at this time?

"For Stargazing" she replied.

"No" I denied and closed my eyes.

"C'mon! You will enjoy it" she poked on my shoulder twice and whined. Instead of replying to her, I stayed silent. When I felt her moving I opened my eyes and saw her getting out of the bed "Where do you think you are going?" I asked.

She looked at me while wearing her flip flops and answered "To the balcony for Stargazing"

I sighed "Take a look at the clock; it's the middle of the night."

She gave me a look and sassed "You know you can't go stargazing in the morning while the sun is shining."

"You may stargaze another day; right now, you need to sleep," I said.

I saw her jaw getting clenched and her fingers getting curled "WHY IS IT SO DIFFICULT FOR YOU TO LET ME DO WHAT THE BLOODY HELL I WANT?" she shouted from the top of her lungs. Fuck, I hit the nerves. "LISTEN CAREFULLY ZAYN, I AM NOT YOUR FUCKING SERVANT IF I WANT TO STARGAZE THEN I WILL STARGAZE"

I stood up and making my way slowly towards her "Okay! Okay! Calm down" I said.

"SHUT UP" She yelled, her face reddened with rage, and she spun around, her hands running through her hair. She hurled the nightstand to the ground, shattering it into a million pieces. I stepped back and looked at her, she was getting out of control. She was a millisecond away from breaking something else. She grabbed another item and before she could throw it, I ran to her to stop her.

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