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"No doubt this Rasputin had lots of hidden charms
Though he was a brute, they just fell into his arms"
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"I hate walking during the day," I murmured as I walked down a concrete street flanked by four males who appeared as if they were my personal bodyguards. Ace was leading the way, Zayn was walking behind me, Hunter was on my left, and grumpy Octavio was on my right.

I didn't like walking during the day since it was too bright. It wasn't that I didn't enjoy the sun; it was only that I had to see folks throughout the day, and there were a lot of them. Seeing strangers has never been one of my favourite things. I was, and still am, an introvert who preferred being alone or with my closest friends. Life needs a sense of calmness and walking in the daytime, seeing many people, never gave me a sense of calmness. Only I knew how I managed to get through my schooling and public gatherings.

"Stop complaining," typical Octavio grumbled. I honestly saw it coming; the only thing I didn't know was why Octavio hated me. He was irritated by everything I did and said.

"Stop listening," I replied with annoyance.

"Stop speaking," Octavio said in a monotone but it was evident that he was getting annoyed as well.

"Stop arguing" Zayn scolded us, making us shut up. Sometimes I think Octavio and I behave like kids, we bickered all the time. I have never bickered with my own sister that way I bicker with Octavio.

Ace stopped on his track, "Stop walking, we've reached our place" he said.

"By place you mean, in the middle of an unknown street," I said, looking around. The street was deafeningly quiet and appeared to be uninhabited. There were no chirps to be heard, but the sound of our footsteps. There were only a few individuals, and a few yards ahead of us stood a massive building guarded by guards. However, there were just two guards at the front main gate, and there were no guards after that, which was unusual since a building like that, according to me, required at least ten guards.

"Yes," Ace said "Okay, here's the plan, Hunter will seduce the guard and when he gets distracted Zayn and Octavio will start searching in here whilst Nyx and I will sneak inside the mansion"

Last night Ace's sudden call made me panic. He didn't even bother to tell me the entire thing, instead, he just told me that he was in trouble and he also told me not to say anything to the Phoenix brothers, just get ready and don't forget to take my protection knives with me. And let's not forget how that pervert told me to wear sexy pants. I didn't know what he said, I got ready in five minutes and then I happened to receive a voice note from Ace telling me that be ready tomorrow, we will be going on a mission. I spent my entire night thinking about the trouble that Ace was in.

"Hunter keep the guy busy for ten minutes, and if we fail to find my pen then I'll disown Zayn and Octavio" Ace commanded Hunter, Ace looked confident, he was headshot about his mission. Hunter nodded looking at Ace while Zayn rolled his eyes and Octavio looked as if he wasn't bothered. A crease line formed on Ace's forehead, illustrating irritation "What are you looking at? Go" He said to Hunter in irritation.

Hunter talked towards the main gate while we hid behind a rusty truck. I watched Hunter approaching the guards, he ran his left hand through his hair in style and he gave both of the guards a flirtatious smirk. And his flirtatious action gave birth to many questions in my head. And the first and the foremost question that I thought of was 'was hunter gay?', this question was followed by many similar questions.

BLOOD AND HEART Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora