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Scarlett's pov
10:30 pm
We just finished watching 'Ingrid Goes West' because Hailee wanted to watch it soooo bad. I was texting Chris since he asked if everything was okay and I said it was.

"Babe" Lizzie said nudging my side and I looked up from my phone to see what she wanted.

"What's up?" Lizzie pointed to a sleeping Hailee. "Of course she's sleeping" I said about to get up and put a blanket but I stopped immediately remembering what Lizzie called me.

"You okay?" Lizzie asked has I just sat there.

"Y-you called me 'babe'" I said staring at her and she blushed. "You're cute when you blush"

"Stoooopppp" Lizzie blushed even harder and covered her face in my neck and I just laughed at her. 

I laid us down and played with her hair and she nuzzled against me. We stayed like that for a hot minute until I heard Lizzie and cute little snores.

I lightly kissed her head and I gently got up and picked her up and walked to her room. I set her down on the bed and putting the covers on her.

I was about to leave, but I felt a hand grab mine. I turned around to see if she needed anything. "What's wrong?"

"Can you stay?" She asked half asleep.

"Okay, let me put Hailee to bed first and I'll come back for you" I said and she let go of my hand.

"Promise?" She whispered and I smiled.

"I'll always come back for you" I said kissing her head again and leaving to go get Hailee ready for bed.

I walked downstairs and into the living room. "Shit" I saw Hailee about to roll off the couch so I quickly ran to her and caught her just in time.

Hailee's pov
I felt someone holding me or something. I don't know what happened. I was on the couch then in someone's hands. "What happened?" I asked walking up seeing Scarlett's worried face.

"You almost fell off" she said helping me lay back down on the couch.

"It's not the first time that happened" i laughed also making my mom laugh.

We sat there in comfortable silence until I was getting tired again. "Can i go sleep?" I asked playing with my hands.

"Of course, you don't have to ask me" she told me and I nodded. She helped me up and I walked to the room I would be staring for god knows how long.

"Goodnight mom" I said as I saw her walk into Lizzie's room. Weird. Whatever she's probably just saying goodnight.

"Goodnight baby" she said walking into Lizzie's room leaving me to do my own stuff.

I got some clothes from my suitcase and went to the bathroom to change. I changed into some black shorts and a white tank top.

I then brushed my teeth and all that good stuff. After that, I climbed in bed and quickly fell asleep.

Scarlett's pov
After I said goodnight to Hailee, I went into Lizzie's room seeing her still sleeping. I decided to change, so I grabbed some of Lizzie's shorts and t-shirt then brushed my teeth since she has a toothbrush in there for me.

After that, I climbed in bed making sure not to wake Lizzie up. I laid there thinking about things to do. I then felt an arm wrapped around me and I looked down to see Lizzie snuggled up against me.

"Goodnight beautiful" I said kissing her head then laid there waiting for sleep to kick in.

Hailee's pov
8:57 am
I woke up to my phone ringing. I looked to see who it was, it was Chris. I quickly picked it up. "Hello?" I said still sleepy.

"Good morning Haiz" he said and i hummed a responses. "Is your mom awake?" He asked me.

"I don't know" I said.

"Okay, I'll come over later today if that's okay with you. I already asked Lizzie yesterday and she said it was fine"

"Yeah that's great" I said and we talked for a bit until he had to leave to take Dodger out for a walk. We finally said goodbye and I went to go check to see if mom was up.

"Mom?" I said knocking on her door, but I didn't get an answer. "I'm coming in" I said walking and I notice the bed was already mad and her suitcase wasn't touched from yesterday.

She must be with Lizzie then. I mean... I did see her go into her room last night. I walked to Lizzie's room and opened the door a little and I saw them both cuddled up in bed. "I ship them hard" i whispered to myself and I quickly but quietly ran back to my room to get my phone.

I ran back to Lizzie's room and walked in tiptoeing by the bed. I made sure my ringer was off, then I snapped few pictures and then sent them to them.

I was debating weather I should wake them up or not. I decided not too, so I went downstairs and made some breakfast for all of us.

Took awhile but I finally finished. I set them plates on a tray and carefully walked upstairs to Lizzie's room.

"Ahh I see you guys are finally awake" i said walking in and setting the tray down on the desk Lizzie has.

Lizzie's pov
I woke up to Scarlett brushing some of my hair out of my face. "Good morning beautiful" she said and I smiled at her.

"Good morning Scarjo" I laughed since she hates people calling her that.

I sat up from my bed and reached for my phone. As I got it, I noticed that Hailee sent me some pictures so I was curious to know what it was.

I opened my texts and I noticed she sent me pictures of Scarlett and I snuggled up next to each other.

"Your daughter is evil" I said putting my phone down. I noticed that Scarlett had this face and I knew she saw them too of her phone.

"She really is" she said then I heard the door open.

"Ahh I see you guys are finally wake" Hailee said setting a tray of for down on my desk.

"Did you poison this?" I asked her knowing that she would never make us breakfast.

"No why?" She asked taking two plates and handing us them. I eyed them suspiciously but I was hungry so if I die, you know who did it.

"Thanks honey" scarlett said as Hailee gave her her plate. We were all eating talking about whatever until I heard my front door opened then someone yelling.

Heheh who is this person?

Do y'all have any suggestions?!

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