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Hailee's pov
9:33 am
I heard some yelling from downstairs... wait! That's Chris! "Dad's here!" I shouted as I ran downstairs not realizing what I just said.

"Dodger! Get back here!" I heard Chris yell from downstairs.

I walked downstairs and Dodger saw me, so he ran to me and jumped on me. I almost fell. "Hello there buddy" I said petting him. He liked my face and I laughed.

"Thank god" Chris said out of breath.

"Robbie's here!" I shouted seeing Robbie walk in the house.

Lizzie's pov
"Dad's here!" Hailee shouted and ran downstairs leaving Scarlett and i on my bed.

"We should do something together" Scarlett said blushing.

"Why are you blushing" I laughed and she blushed even harder. Now it was her turn to blush.

"No reason" she said looking away and I laughed at her cuteness.

"Robbie's here!" I heard Hailee shout from downstairs.

"Shit" I said getting out of bed and heading downstairs. Scarlett followed me close behind.

"Elizabeth I need to talk to you" Robbie said as I walked downstairs. I nodded my head and we went to my library.

"What's up?" I asked nervously. He said my full name so I knew that this will be important.

"We need to break up" he said with a blank expression on his face.

"W-what why?"

"I can't keep pretending that I'm not seeing how you look at Scarlett. I know you like her, and I want you to be happy" he said.

"O-okay" I said and he left.

Scarlett's pov
After Lizzie left with Robbie, I turned to Chris. "Not to be mean or anything, but why are you here?"

"Lizzie said I could come and hang out" he said putting Dodger's leash away.

"Mom, can Chris and I go to the Arcade?" Hailee asked looking up from where she was sitting. She was playing with Dodger and his toys.

"If it's okay with Chris" I said and he nodded.

"Yes!" Hailee said getting up and walking to the background with Dodger following her.

"Why does she get to call you mom and me Chris?" Chris whined and I laughed.

"It takes time" i winked at him and he rolled his eyes then went outside to join the others.

I went to the kitchen to start some coffee, until I saw Robbie walking out the house. "Where's Lizzie?" I asked myself.

I walked to her library and I knocked on the door. No answer. But I could hear someone crying. "Lizzie?" I said opening the door.

I saw her at her desk, crying so I quickly walked over to her and hugged her. She immediately hugged me back.

"What's wrong?" I asked her as I rubbed circles on her back.

"He left because he knows that I like you" she said and I froze.

"You what?" I pulled her away from her so that I can looked at her to see if she was lying. She wasn't. "You like me?" I smiled and she nodded. I whipped some of her tears away.

"It's okay if you don't like me back, I just had to tell-" she spoke but I stopped her with a kiss.

"I like you too" I said and she smiled and kissed me.

We pulled apart, and I made Lizzie stand up so that I could sit on the chair. I smiled up at her and she sat down on me and snuggled up to me.

Chris pov
I went outside and saw Hailee and Dodger playing fetch. I saw on one of the steps and took some pictures.

"Are you posting that on your Instagram?" Hailee walked over to me with Dodger behind her.

"Do you want me too?" She sat down next to me. She nodded her head. "I will post it when we reveal you to the world, but only if you want to" i said and she smiled.

"I have a question?" She asked playing with her fingers.

"What is it?"

"Can i call you dad?" She looked up at me worried for what I was going to say.

"Of course you can!" I said and she smiled and hugged me. "So what should we do while we wait to go to the arcade?"

"Anything is fine" she said standing up and walking back inside. I followed her and so did Dodger.

Hailee's pov
I walked inside and I couldn't find mom. Or Lizzie. I swear to god if they are fucking right now, I'm moving countries.

"Mom!" I shouted threw out the whole house.

"In the library!" She shouted back and I made my way to the library.

I walked in and saw Lizzie cuddled up on mom. "Get a room" I said rolling my eyes and making my way to the couch she had in there. "Soooo, have you guys plan a date yet?" I smirked.

"Well I did have an idea..." mom trailed off and Lizzie gasped.

"What is it?!" She asked a bit to excited.

"Not. Saying." She said has she poked Lizzie's nose.

"Does your mom know your bi or gay or whatever you are?" I asked mom and she sighed.

"That was another reason why she was so disappointed about me" she said. "I told her that I was bi but she told me that it was just 'a faze'" she rolled her eyes.

"Well I support you no matter what" Lizzie kissed her and I almost threw up.

"Me too but get a room. I almost threw up" I said getting up looking at the books she has.

I found a book then I sat back down and started to read. I don't know how long I was there for. I finally decided to go see what everyone else was doing.

I got up but then almost fell back down since the ground was shaking. "What the hell" I said and I noticed things falling off the wall and books falling off the shelves.

I tried to steady myself but it was quite hard too. I heard something from above my head, so I looked up to see a really heavy looking book about to fall. It would fall any second.

"Oh god" I said as I saw it falling.

Soooo what should we do with Scarlett and Lizzie?

What's going to happen to Hailee?

Any suggestions for the story?

Hehehe sorry for the cliffhanger

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