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{A lover of the rain; someone who finds joy and peace of mind during rainy days}


The rain trickled its way down my window, small droplets reflected the small amount of light that was left by the sun. Large clouds covered the majority of the sky, blocking out the bright and the blue, just the way I liked it.

"Amethyst, are you ready?" My mother asked as she knocked on my door.

"I don't think I'll ever be ready," I whispered to myself before picking up my trunk and opening my door to meet my mothers warming smile and her blonde wavy hair.

The days of summer had gone by in a blur, a fast and wicked blur. I missed my family so much, particularly my younger sister, Opalite. Being away at Hogwarts for the majority of the year always filled me with guilt, guilt that I wouldn't be there for her while she grew up. 

I carried my trunk down the large staircase which lead to the entrance hall of our manor. It wasn't as impressive as others, but it was home, and it was perfect. The Greenwood name was well known in the wizarding world, maybe not as well as the Flint's or the Malfoy's, but we were still part of the sacred twenty-nine.

"Darling, you look stunning." My father smiled tightly as he helped me take my luggage. 

"Amy, Amy, Amy!" Opal yelled as she nearly ran over.

"Hey Oppie, are you ready?" I asked in a playful tone as I picked her up and placed her on my hip.

"She had better be, are you?" Mum asked as she stepped forward to open the door.

I nodded slowly and followed my mother and father while Opal gripped onto my knitted cardigan. We all got into the car and made our way to Kings cross, getting ready to separate for my sixth year at Hogwarts. I preferred to apparate whenever was possible, but Opal hated the feeling and much preferred to take the car wherever we went. I watched alongside my mother and father as the driver struggled with my bags while he placed them on the luggage trolly. Opal didn't want to leave my side, she practically refused, though I didn't mind, I didn't want to leave her's either.

As we approached the brick wall between platforms nine and ten I held on tightly to both Opal and the trolly.

"Don't think about it too much Oppie, you'll be doing this someday soon." I smiled as I ran the two of us through the brick wall and onto platform nine and three quarters. 

"You can open your eyes now, love." I chuckled as I saw her squeezing her eyelids tightly together.

The smell of broomsticks and sweets filled my senses as we wandered through the endless crowds of people who swarmed around the large train. My mother and father followed close behind us as Opal helped me search for any familiar face.

"Ames!" A low and familiar voice boomed from my left.

I turned to face the owner of the voice, I couldn't help but smile as I met his own large grin "Blaise! How are you?" I beamed as I gave him an awkward side-hug while Opal wouldn't let me go.

"Better now that we're going back, mum's on husband number six." He groaned while rolling his eyes. Blaise's mother really was an interesting one, the last thing I heard about her, she was on husband number four, but apparently, I had missed a whole husband.

Opia / D.M 18+Where stories live. Discover now