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{To tear limb from limb}


My heart rate wouldn't stop accelerating.

My mind couldn't stop the thoughts from swimming.


Shaking limbs.


I could feel everything all at once while we followed Hermione through the building. I could hear every single bit of worry I held. I could feel and see everything that could go wrong. And yet—I was excited to see the Death Eaters crumble. 

I wanted to see the looks on their faces when they saw us coming. The fear in their eyes as we put our training into good use. I wanted them to fear for their lives just as we had done before. I wanted to hear their pleas, their shock and horror. I wanted them to feel exactly how I had felt. Everything I had was taken from me—everything I loved was ripped from my fingertips. 

They deserved what they were going to get.

I didn't care if I sounded cynical. They deserved every single little thing that was going to come for them. 

And Voldemort had better watch his back. Because when you have a pregnant woman who not only lost her parents, but her baby sister taken from her... Not to mention the two months of gut-wrenching pain thinking she had lost her love. She was going to get her revenge in whatever way possible.

Anxiety swelled me completely. It overflowed my entire body, making me stumble as we entered the dining room. Everyone was scared. I couldn't blame them, but they could at least rein it in a little. They all knew about my unfortunate circumstance, but I couldn't start a fuss about it.

Just as I pushed my back to be straight, Draco entered with a bowl.

My brows furrowed as he began handing small things out. But as the anxiety in the room lifted, I knew exactly what he was doing. 

"What the fuck is this supposed to do?" Ron asked as Draco handed him an amethyst.

"Shut the fuck up and hold it Weezlebee." 

Ron huffed and almost snatched the crystal out of Draco's hand. 

I had known from the beginning that Draco was the best thing to ever happen to me. But it was the little moments like that that made my heart swell. He made everything brighter, he made everything in my life so much better than it already was. My moon, my everything. 

Every single weight I felt was suddenly lifted. The charged crystals were doing their work. Remus stood in front of everyone, stress took over his expression. I looked around the room and waited along with everyone else for the plan.

"We go through Hogsmeade, it's the only way in," he began.

"Won't there be alarms? We'd get caught," Draco asked as he wrapped an arm around my waist.

Remus sighed and nodded, clearly the weight of what we were about to do was pressing on his shoulders. "We have someone inside who will help us. He'll provide a direct passageway into the castle. Amethyst, Blaise, Charles and Draco will go to the Chamber to collect as many fangs as possible. Though it will be difficult. We're not entirely sure how you will get through."

"We still have the robes..." Draco started.

I looked at him, dread spreading across my face.

He turned to me and gave a sympathising expression, "It's the only way we would be able to get through the castle unnoticed, Angel." 

Opia / D.M 18+Where stories live. Discover now