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{Utter nonsense}



I had never felt so pure.

So cleansed.

I hardly felt how draining the month had been, he was a distraction and hardly had any negative energy wrapped around him. He was almost as pure as I was, pure and clean. I didn't move from the hard pebbles beneath me while I stared at the cloudy sky, hoping and praying to the Gods it would rain. I gave my thanks as I lay there, I thanked the Gods, the stars, the universe and the Earth beneath me. It was the final step of my cleansing, and as I finished, I closed my eyes and sat up.

The sun had poked out from behind the clouds, leaving me to squint due to the bright light, "Feeling better, Ames?" Luis' voice sounded as he emerged from the trees. 

I turned to look at him and saw Draco standing by his side, I couldn't be bothered to hide the smile on my lips as I stared at the two, "Much better, thanks." 

Luis always told me it was as if I were high after a cleansing, but I couldn't help but feel happy and welcome all the positive energy that tended to float around me. And seeing him only made my slime grow. There was something about the blonde boy that made me feel warm and engrossed in happiness and positivity, even if he was doused with all the negativity. Ever since I had told him about my name, he carried less of the startling energy with him, as if he carried out his own rituals in order to rid himself of it. 

I stood from the pebbled floor with the help of Luis, "You didn't have to come down," I told him, then glancing over towards Draco, "I am fully capable of walking back to the castle by myself." 

"I always come after your cleansing, Ames," Luis smiled as he brushed out pieces of the Earth from my hair, "That won't stop, and you know that." He let out a breath and held onto my shoulders before guiding me back towards Draco. 

I smiled widely as I walked through the trees between the two of them, it reminded me so much of our childhood. I bit my lip to stifle a smile as I thought back to our walks through the Greenwood hedge maze, how we got lost for hours on end through the thick bush. I found my hands to be moving and ended up linking arms with Luis before I did the same with Draco. He flinched away slightly, but I brought him back quick enough, "Don't you two miss our childhoods?" I asked as I watched the ground in front of us.

"You're thinking of the hedge maze, aren't you?" Luis smiled with a laugh. I nodded eagerly causing his laughter to grow louder, "I suppose I miss it, definitely didn't enjoy the hounding we'd get when sneaking into the kitchen," He smiled.

I looked up to Draco as I swayed slightly, "What turned you into such a dick?" I asked with furrowed brows. 

His eyes widened at my comment and he looked slightly taken back, "What turned you into such a stuck up bitch?" He smirked, causing me to roll my eyes.

"Now, now kids. Let's not ruin Ames' high," Luis laughed once again.

"I'm not high, you twat," I slapped his hand, "Am I not allowed to reminisce on the childhood I wish I still had?" They both tensed after I spoke, "Don't get so down, you both lost your childhoods as well, it wasn't just me."

Luis sighed, "I know Ames, but it's hard to hear it come from you-"

"What do you mean?" 

"Draco and I lost our childhoods within second year, when Charles got the mark and when Lucius straight up told him to grow up. You lost yours when Opal was born. You had to take care of her, we just had to grow up," He paused his steps and looked straight at me, "You were always the one getting us into trouble, the most childish of us all. But now you're more grown-up than we'll ever be."

Opia / D.M 18+Where stories live. Discover now