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{Being without mercy or compassion; having no emotions or regards for others}


His teeth looked rotten.

His eyes were a bloodshot red.

He laughed at my surprise, a laugh that nearly shattered my already tightened ribcage. I felt paralysed as I stood under the threshold, as if I had been put under the full body-bind curse. He sat at the head of the table, leaning back in his chair as if he owned the entire world. My father tugged on my arm, pulling me further into the room. I shut off my mind completely, deadlocking every single steal wall I had. 

I searched the long table, studied the others that sat there. I instantly met Narcissa's eyes, so confused and almost heartbroken at the sight in front of her. Lucius looked almost as confused, though he hardly showed it. He looked to be cowering away from him, avoiding all forms of eye contact and found the mahogany wood table far more interesting than anything else. I stood stationary while my father tried to pull me along, there was something touching my feet, something that made me swallow every single ounce of fear so that I wouldn't jump. I looked down and saw a python circling my ankles. My father tugged one last time before I finally stepped over the snake and followed him.

"Ahh, Amethyssst," He spoke just like the snake on the floor. He dragged my name along like it was a string he was playing with, twirling it around his fingers before cutting it up, "Is she willing?" He asked slowly towards my father.

He started nodding frantically, "Y- yes my Lord, she has agreed."

My brows knitted together in confusion but also rage. Why did he need me to be willing? The last time I checked, neither Draco nor Blaise were willing to do anything he said. A million different thoughts ran through my head. Was this what was needed in order for Opal to get better? Was it a simple task that he needed me for? Did it have something to do with my name? Did he need me to drain all the negative energy from someone or something? 

"Come forward, my dear," He annunciated every single word slowly, spelling out all the letters in doing so. 

My father let go of my wrist and pushed me slightly forward. I felt like I was trudging through a thick, setting concrete as I made my way to the head of the table. Everyone's eyes were on me, I could see Bellatrix moving eagerly in her chair, twisting and turning with a sick look of pure enjoyment written all over her face. Narcissa looked almost scared as I watched her eyes flicker between me and my father. Clearly—it was a surprise to her too.

As I reached his side, I stood there completely frozen. I had stopped breathing and I was sure one of my lungs were going to collapse as his eyes stared deeply into mine. He picked up his wand and held it loosely in the palm of his hand as he stood from his chair. Everything fell silent as the room seemed to get darker. What once was a beautiful drawing room that held so many of my childhood memories, was now turned into the room I dreaded the most in the world. My eyes stayed glued to the floor as he circled me like a shark circling its prey. I could feel his eyes as they scanned up and down my body as if he were searching for a point of weakness. 

There was a twinge of pain in the base of my skull, and I could tell he was trying to break through my mind. He was searching for something, something that I didn't want to show him. I kept my mind blank, not allowing him in as much as he pushed and pushed. My knees felt weak as the pain only got worse, my head started throbbing as the pain spread towards my temples. It was excruciating and I wanted to scream, I could feel my voice about to break through my lips but he suddenly pulled back. 

"Quite a strong little girl—aren't you, Amethyssst." He half hissed into my ear. 

His voice was airy and almost as if it were to float in the air as one would float in the sea. His voice carried out small ripples in the air as it travelled around me. His fingernails grazed across the skin on my neck while he pulled my hair off my shoulder, inspecting me closely as if I were a prize at an auction. I swallowed every ounce of remaining thoughts and fear, it was all for Opal. I had to remind myself that it was all for Opal. 

Opia / D.M 18+Where stories live. Discover now