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{A homesickness for a home to which you cannot return}


~Draco's Flashback~

"I love you!" I yelled out as I fell into the snow.

I opened my eyes and looked for her.

But she was gone. 

I crumbled further into the ground as tears began to flood their way down my face. She was right—it was my fault. Of course, it was my fault. It hadn't left my mind since the day we lost Opal. I knew I had a part to play in it all, I just tried to lock the thoughts away as best as I could. But they were breaking free with her words. 

"You're no good for me, Draco."

Her words stung every single part of my skin. A thousand bee stings flooded through my body. My shoulders shook uncontrollably while I gripped the crisp snow under my knees. The mixture of the cold and her words made everything in my body and soul ache tremendously. My lungs clamped together, I struggled to grasp the air that laughed at my need for her. 

"I can survive without you."

I would never be able to survive without her. I felt like I couldn't breathe. My chest heaved as I tried to grasp the air. I couldn't comprehend it. We had something good, didn't we? How could I not see that I was making her crumble? How could I not see how truly broken she was? 

I punched the ground out of anger before I stood and marched my way to the exit. I was going to get her back. It wasn't over, she knew I would fight. She knew that I would do anything to have her back. I would right my wrongs and understand what I needed to do to make her happy. She was everything. She was my home. My life. My Angel. 

I barged through the doors into the Manor and began looking for her. My head seemed to be spinning while my heart erupted in sporadic beats. My jaw trembled as I made my way to the foyer, eager to find her in her room. Though just as I was about to make my way up the stairs, someone pulled on my shoulder.


"Fuck off, Luis-"

"Draco." My mother's voice sounded stern and desperate.

But I was mad, the look in her eyes meant nothing to me as I walked over to her, "What the fuck did you say to her? What did you do?" I nearly yelled as more salty liquid ran down my cheeks, "What did you do?" I asked again.

She looked at me with saddened eyes, the eyes that I knew so well. It was her look when my father would scold me. The apologetic I-can't-do-anything-about-it-but-I-would-if-I-could look. I shook my head and tried to push past her, but another set of hands found my shoulders, holding me back. 

"You need to calm down, mate," Charles tried to tell me.

Blaise suddenly appeared next to me and plucked a piece of my hair from my head. I watched angrily as he walked over to my mother and placed the hair into a vial of some sort. I struggled in Luis and Charles' hold. I just needed to see her. I just needed to talk to her, have a rational discussion about what happened, what we could do.

"You can't do anything, Draco," Luis told me.

"Keep out of my head, Dupont." I struggled against them, though their grip was strong. 

Another figure entered the foyer, making my jaw tighten at the sight of him. He looked to be completely unphased by my struggling, he didn't even look at me. All he did was send a nod to my mother before taking the vial out of her hands.

Opia / D.M 18+Where stories live. Discover now