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{Someone who hides pain behind a smile}



It was strange without her there.

Amy was trying everything to get past it. She tried so hard to get out of her bed, she tried too hard to live like normal—whatever normal was. She always tried too hard. I watched her closely, all her movements whenever we heard a sound down the hallway. She was so desperate to believe what we experienced was a dream. She wanted to believe that her sister was still there. 

I wanted to have the same hope.

But I had never been able to hold such hope before. My childhood was something no child should ever experience. Mini-me and I were more alike than I thought. Her parents left her, without a single word. My father was relentless when it came to punishments for the smallest things. It seemed that the way our parents treated us was the common factor in our lives.

I watched as Amy cut out the picture of the three of us from the Daily Prophet, our smiles radiated through the moving frame. We looked so happy, so safe. It was almost as if there was nothing in the world that could disrupt us. But little did we know. 

She ran her fingers over the image of a giggling Opal, her eyes shining bright as she enjoyed our company. I wanted Amy to be alright, to know that everything would be alright. But I couldn't diminish what she was feeling. She had given her entire being to protect her. For the past three years, it was all she ever did. Amy was always strong, but she was at a tipping point, crumbling bit by bit until there would be nothing left. I had to make sure that there was at least something left. 

She was my everything, she was everything about my world. And when Mini-me and I formed such a bond, she too became everything. But it felt strange knowing that I would never be able to see her again.

Like Amy, I had never experienced such a loss. My family was always usually reserved and told to keep our emotions on complete and utter lockdown. When I was younger, I would get punished by my father for crying whenever he yelled at me. I was raised as a cold and emotionless stone. But my Angel brought out the light, she melted the ice around my heart and showed me how to live. Losing someone so important felt like reading a foreign language. It was unfamiliar and utterly strange to have all these new emotions I never knew existed.

"I want her to be buried in the centre of the maze," Amy spoke quietly, her eyes still stuck on the picture she held in her hands.

I felt my lungs pause while I stopped any movement in my body. I didn't even think about the burial. How could I think about it when we had just lost her. Neither one of us would be going back to school. I knew that Amy wouldn't, and I would never leave her. Particularly during a war we were forced to be a part of. 

I turned to her, sitting in her bed, "Alright, Angel. Whatever you wish." I spoke gently. 

Her eyes diverted from mine before she placed the picture on her bedside. She instantly turned back to me and wrapped her hands around my waist. She needed more than I could give her. She needed and wanted so much more. I wanted to give her everything in the world. She didn't cry while I held her, she didn't sniff, nor did she speak. We just sat there and embraced each other's sadness. It was all we could do. We couldn't bring her back, all we could do was focus on the memory of the sweet little girl we knew and loved.

There was a knock on the door, short and quick. Amy sighed as she pulled back and stood with a slight wobble. I watched her closely while she made her way to the door, only to open it and reveal Snape. He stared at her with his nose turned up before his eyes turned to me. 

Opia / D.M 18+Where stories live. Discover now