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{The moment when you realise you're happy}


The nights I spent with Draco were the nights I'd never forget, even as the weeks went by, nothing felt more special than the nights on that hill.

When we sat underneath the dark blue blanket above, how the pinholes in the sky would almost sparkle to entertain us. I'll never forget how he held me in his arms and whispered my name in my ear, every single time it sent chills right down to my toes. He made me smile. He made me happy. We laid underneath the blanket of blue, starting into the world that was yet to be discovered. 

"You talk to the stars," He spoke lightly. His arm was draped around my waist as my head rested on his chest. His free hand was entangled in my hair, brushing it off my face, pulling it behind my ears. His statement was more of a question the more I thought about it.

"Did Luis tell you?" I asked.

There was a slow hum that vibrated through his chest, I could feel it, "You were talking–that night by the lake, I asked what you were doing and he told me you were talking to the stars." There was a small pause of silence between the two of us, "What do you talk about?" He asked.

I drew in a deep breath of the still autumn air, "Mostly, I ask the stars to protect Opal. Sometimes, I'll tell the stars about my day. It's a way of tiring myself out so I'll be able to sleep." I hesitated, unsure whether I should tell him or not, "But that night, I told the stars about you." The words slipped from my tongue, and his head lifted slightly. 

I could tell there was a smile on his lips, and I didn't have to turn to see it. I spoke about him to the stars, I told the bright lights how he and I spent our nights, how he spoke my name like no one else. I told the stars every detail about him I could compose into words. It was rare for me to tell the stars about anyone other than Opal, and yet–he was all I could think of that night, "Don't get too full of yourself, Mr Malfoy." I laughed.

He picked himself up, shifting me in the process. He had sat up and begun lifting me up so I sat on his lap. He spent the next few minutes staring into my eyes, and it was then that I realised how truly gorgeous his sapphires were, "Sapphire blue," I whispered.

He smiled with a small laugh, "What?"

"My favourite colour–just like the sapphires in your eyes," I brought my hand to his cheek and traced the outline of his jaw with my fingertips. He didn't even try to hide the smile that was tugging at the corners of his lips.

His hand rubbed circles on my back as he held me steady, with his other hand draped over my legs, it was the most comfort I had ever felt. His smile only grew as we couldn't help but stare at each other, taking one another in as if it were the first time we'd met. I wondered what he was thinking at that moment, was he studying me as I was studying him? Was he thinking the same things as me? Was he trying to break through my walls to figure out what I was thinking about?

"You're my favourite colour, Angel," He smiled.

I could hardly hide the heat that suddenly rose to my cheeks, I thanked the stars it was dark and that the only light was emitting from the moon. It was moments like that I longed for, the sudden feeling of the overwhelming embarrassment that found its way to my face. How he looked at me as if I was the rarest jewel on Earth. 

"Tell me a secret you've never told anyone before," I said after a moment. 

He narrowed his eyes and looked up towards the sky as if he was in deep thought. He looked to be contemplating which secret he would tell me, wondering what I could handle. When he finally looked back down at me, he drew in a deep breath, "When I first met you, I thought you were an Angel," He smiled.

Opia / D.M 18+Where stories live. Discover now