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{Causing death or destruction; aiming or willing to destroy; with the power to kill}


My time had run out.

I tried to prepare myself throughout the day, warn myself of what was to come. I had asked for a warning—to be prepared for the burn that would find my skin. But I didn't think about how it would affect my mind, knowing that something bad was going to happen. But I worried for Blaise, for Crabbe and Goyle. I worried that something would happen. 

My mind wouldn't rest, my brain was in a constant overload. But most of all—I worried for Draco. I worried that he wouldn't be in the right mindset, that everything that happened over the past few weeks would put him in a bad place. That would mean that I would be responsible if anything happened to him. 

I wanted to tell them that there was a task, I wanted them to know that something was coming—that they needed to be prepared. But I couldn't, because then they would find out about me. I couldn't even bring myself to talk to Luis about it. He would only worry and try to convince me to stay. But if I stayed, I would be risking everything. 

I took deep and heavy breaths as I walked through the dungeon's corridors towards Snape's office. I was ten minutes early, and I could feel my hand shaking. I was anxious, my mind was running a continuous marathon of thoughts and it wouldn't slow down. My footsteps echoed around me as I walked as calmly as I could. I had told the girls I was going to the library, that I wanted to catch up on the things that I had missed. It was a usual thing for me to do—leave the dorm late at night. Usually, it was for my cleansing, but those didn't seem necessary anymore. The darkness had already crept into every little bit of light I had left. 

I swallowed as I stood outside Snape's office door. I wasn't ready, I knew I wasn't. I knew that whatever the task was—it wasn't going to be good, nor would it be easy. It involved five of us, of course, it wasn't going to be easy. It wouldn't be a quick spell to snatch someone's wand from the grasp. It would involve so much more. 

I took one more breath before I knocked on the door. I didn't wait for a response and walked straight in after turning the knob. Snape was sat behind his desk and didn't bother to look up or acknowledge my presence at all. He simply plucked his quill from his inkpot and began writing on the parchment in front of him. I shut the door behind me and walked slowly into the room. It was only when I got near the fireplace did he look up. 

"Your robes," He gestured to the pile of black fabric on his desk. 

I walked over and picked them up, examining the deathly black fabric curiously. Even holding them—I could tell they were laced with dark magic. As if they had been dipped into a lake full of everything dark in the world. The magic had been woven into the fabric, thread by thread, making the deathly black even deadlier. Wearing the robes I held in my hands would turn me into nothing good. If anything, they would make me more like him—they would make me lētālis and cold. 

Without thinking about it a minute longer, I draped the black heavy weighted fabric over my small and fragile figure. It weighed down on me and I felt the magic sink into my skin. Goosebumps littered my skin as the fabric touched me. I pulled the hood over my head and made sure I had everything on correctly. I hardly noticed the body I saw when I looked down. I was engulfed in black and darkness. Negativity clouded everything around me, and I knew there was no going back. 

Snape stood from his desk and made his way over to me slowly. He held in his hand a mask, a mask that would shield my identity—but prove me to be a Death Eater. He held it out and I took it in my shaking hands. The whole mask was the shade of the night sky, silver embellishments littered around the eyes and cheeks. The mouthpiece looked to be cross-stitched shut, the silver shone in the dim lighting, somehow making the mask look more appealing. 

Opia / D.M 18+Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang