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{Beautiful or creative; divinely inspired; peaceful and perfect}



She tasted of sweet sweet honey.

Her taste lingered on my tongue as she pulled away. I didn't want her to pull away. Why did she pull away? I had her back, I had my Angel back and I wouldn't let go of her. I held onto her so tight I thought she might bruise. My hands found her waist and pulled her back to me, I couldn't lose her again. 

Her hands found the back of my neck as she closed her eyes and pressed her forehead against mine. I could tell her mind was thinking, telling her all the little things she didn't need to hear. I knew what her mind would do to her, it tortured her into believing the things that weren't true. It pulled tricks on her and made her wonder about all these different things, like one tree branching off into different possibilities. Her mind was something you couldn't battle with, she was protective and thought of everything. 

"I'm scared I might hurt you again," She spoke in such a soft whisper I barely heard her. 

"I know, Angel. I know." I pulled back and looked into her bright emeralds, "But we all get hurt whether we like it or not." I told her. 

The snow landed on her eyelashes, making her blink furiously. She swallowed and placed her head on my chest, "What if we break again?" She asked.

"We won't," I pulled her shoulders back again so she could look into my eyes, "We know what to avoid now, Amy. We know the ways that we break, we know how to work through it. It will be different now, and if I have to prove myself to you again I will." Her eyes darted around us at the snow, her mind was working, "Please let your mind rest for one minute. Stop evaluating the situation and just live in the moment. Amy—if you leave again, I don't think I'll be able to be fixed."

"I don't know if I can risk it-"

"Amy, what's the worst that could happen?" I asked.

She met my eyes once more, they were wide in surprise to my question. She took small steps back and my chest clamped together tightly. She shook her head, "You have no idea." She ran her fingers through her hair. Her shoulders began to shake and another tear streamed down her cheek, "There are so many things that could go wrong. There are too many things."

I shook my head and tried to bring her back to me, but she wouldn't budge, "Your father still wants you to get acquainted with Greengrass. How could something like that not go wrong? You can't even think of a single thing that could break us further than we already are? I can think of a hundred different possibilities!" Her voice started to rise as her chest began to move quicker, "I waited for a sign, first it was the rain on our hill. And now it's the first snow. I don't know what to do! This can't be put on me! I can't make the decision, I can't-" She cut herself off with a heart-wrenching sob that emitted from her lips. 

I wanted to hold her, I wanted to tell her it would be alright, we could make it work. I wanted to make sure she felt safe, but she kept pushing me away.

"Stop pushing me away, Angel," I spoke sternly.

"I can't!" She nearly shouted, "I am trying to protect you, I am trying to glue you back together because I can't bear to see you as hurt and as broken as you are right now!" Her voice was strained as she cried.

The wind picked up and began blowing her hair from her face, letting the snowflakes bury themselves into her hair. Her jaw quivered while her skin created goosebumps in all the places she was exposed. She was pushing and pushing, trying to keep me away from her. She thought she was the reason for our downfall. She blamed herself for so much. I wanted and needed her to know that it wasn't her fault. She made a reasonable decision. She kept to her word, she had warned me of what she would do if she found me with someone else. 

Opia / D.M 18+Where stories live. Discover now