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{Beautiful thinking; a well mind}



It was the girls' turn to host for Saturday night. Blaise, Luis and I wandered over to their dorm in near silence. My mind was busy preparing itself for seeing her, for keeping an eye on her while she was intoxicated. It was Luis' night to stay sober, and I knew she had been longing to get high. I occluded all thoughts away behind my mental walls. I shifted through my most recent memories, placing the ones I needed to keep hidden far back from everything else. The memories of her kissing me, of her rolling us over on the hill. She was to be locked back, and I was sure she had prepared herself to do the same.

Luis didn't bother to knock on the door and instead walked through proudly, standing in the centre of the room while Blaise and I wandered towards the couches where Crabbe and Goyle were perched. As I leaned back into the couch, I met her eyes. They had a slight red tint to them, she had already started smoking. She tried to stifle a smile while she sat on her bed, though failed horribly as she began to giggle and lean on Lock's shoulder.

"Alright," Luis clapped his hands together, "Now, let's make this clear. Whose smoking and whose drinking?" He asked, looking around the room.

"Blaire and I are drinking," Lock stated with a dopey smile.

"No you're not," Amy laughed, "You've already started smoking."

Lock snorted out her laughter as she buried her head into Amy's shoulder. Flint was lying on her bed with her head hanging over the side, mouth gaping open. Neither of them were big smokers, whenever we had these nights, they usually drank.

"I'm drinking," Blaise spoke clearly as he screwed the cap off a bottle of fire whiskey.

"Okay, Draco?" Luis asked, causing my head to swivel back to him, "What are you intoxicating yourself with this time?"

"I'll smoke," I sighed.

Blaise groaned slightly, "Mate, you're awful when you smoke-"

"Well he's not that much better when he drinks either," Amy laughed, "He's an angry drunk, and a silent smoker," She stated.

I cocked a brow at her comment, "Paying close attention to me are we, Angel?" I questioned.

"Fuck off, Malfoy. I'm only speaking the truth," She sighed before flopping onto her back while Lock left the bed to pull Flint up before all the blood fully rushed to her head.

"So?" Luis asked.

I rolled my eyes, "I'll still smoke. I'm sure it's better to be silent, rather than angry."

"Great," Luis sighed as he walked over to the record player, "If you need to throw up, please do it in the bathroom. I know it's only a cleaning charm, but it's not something I need to witness, again," He looked over to Amy.

Her head shot up almost instantly, "Hey!" She spoke with an offended yet sarcastic tone, "That was because of food poisoning, you dick."

"You still threw up," Luis retorted, leaving her head to flop back onto the bed.

Goyle passed me a spliff and a box of matches. I felt her eyes on me as I lit the filled stick, inhaling deeply before exhaling, watching the smoke evaporate into the air. Luis had started to play some music for the group. Both Lock and Flint nearly jumped to their feet and began moving to the beat. My eyes darted across the room, analysing and studying everything around me. The walls were mostly bland, everything was kept clean and precise. I suddenly saw Amy's glasses sitting on her bedside table, and I wondered if she knew they were there.

Opia / D.M 18+Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora