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{When you think of something but the word for it escapes you}


The sun was too bright for my tired eyes as I rested my head on Blaise's chest in the courtyard. I had quite close connections to the guys in our group, they all treated me like a younger sister, even though I was in fact the older one. I held my eyes closed as the sun appeared from behind the clouds, shining through the leaves of the tree we surrounded, blinding me in its bright rays. 

"Fucking bastard." I groaned to no one in particular.

"Who? No one said anything." Blaise laughed, causing my head to move along as his chest rose and fell quickly. 

"The fucking sun." I sighed as I moved my hands to block the ball of light that floated around in the sky.

I could hear the laughs of Blaire and Jasmine echo around me as I complained about the bright light. Though there was something almost beautiful and peaceful about the bright sunny day, it was a day I never truly liked. A sunny day holds no character, holds no unique features, a sunny day is plain and boring. The thing about rainy and cloudy days was that they held the unexpected, you never knew whether the clouds would decide to cry, or whether the tears that fell from the sky would be soft or hard. A rainy day was a mystery, the perfect mystery.

"Hey, Ames?" Luis appeared out of nowhere.

"Yes, Dupont?" I replied sarcastically as I slowly made my way to sit up and manoeuvred my body to rest up against the large tree.

"Can you help me study for charms tonight?" He sat down in front of me and placed his head in my crossed legs, "I need your brain to share its endless supply of random words." He finished, closing his eyes as I played with his golden, fluffy hair.

"Fine. But don't call my words random, they all have meanings that you'll never understand." I began twisting small braids in his hair as he lay in my lap, clouded in complete serenity.

"And why wouldn't I understand?" His eyebrows furrowed as he spoke in a sarcastic, hurtful tone.

"Because Luis," I placed a small kiss on his forehead, "As much as I love you, your mind isn't open to the world around us." I sighed as I lulled my head to rest against the rough bark of the tree.

"And yours is?" His cold and loathsome voice sounded, I didn't need to look in his direction to realise it was Malfoy.

"Compared to your, incompetent mind, yes." I sighed while closing my eyes, trying to imagine that the boy wasn't there, that he had left. 

"Merlin Ames, if you're gonna play with my hair can you not stop?" Luis whined.

I hadn't noticed that I stopped, the sudden sound of his voice caused my hands to freeze at the memory of him pressing me up against my door only a week ago. We had hardly spoken since then, and in all honesty, I was rather enjoying it. I no longer felt the negativity that crowded rooms whenever he was there, I hadn't been trapped by his icy sapphires since then. I had the power and control over when we would speak, though this time, he caught me completely off guard.

"Sorry Luis," I replied simply before continuing to place small, neat braids in his golden locks. 

I sat in silence while the others spoke in what seemed like soft whispers, though the whispers were only heard through my ears, to anyone else, it would have sounded like a normal conversation. The sudden thick air clouded my thoughts and senses, as if its sole purpose was to mess with my brain.


"Huh?" I suddenly snapped myself back into reality.

"We're thinking of starting our Saturday night hangouts again, you keen?" Blaire asked, her eyes glistening with hope.

Opia / D.M 18+Where stories live. Discover now