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{Completely overcome with emotion}


She was placed in my arms.

Her small frame fit perfectly as I supported her head. Her eyes were wide open and curious beyond belief. My baby sister. Perfectly unique and by far the most beautiful being on the Earth. She stared at me with her blue eyes, studying my appearance. 

She smiled.

And as I brought my finger to stroke her cheek, she caught me instantly. Her tiny fingers wrapping around mine. She held me as I held her. The world around me stilled while I stared at her. I knew then, that I would do anything for her. I would put myself in the firing line—I would get hurt so she would never have to. I would do anything for the girl I held in my arms.

She let out this little giggle. It was slobbery and utterly adorable. 

I laughed with her while I felt something run down my cheek. A liquid I was unfamiliar with. She squirmed in my arms, looking into my eyes while she smiled and giggled. I sniffed away any excess tears and wiped away the liquid on my cheek. But I had never seen something so beautiful in my entire life.

"You can call me Amy," I told her. "And I promise—I will give you my world as long as you stay long enough to receive it. I will protect you with my life. You will forever be safe," I spoke in a whisper before I kissed her forehead, "I promise."

Her smile was contagious as I couldn't take my eyes off her. Her soul was pure, even if she only arrived in the world mere minutes ago. She was perfect and beamed just like an angel sent down by the stars. 

"I will protect you with everything I have, Oppie." 


I woke up with the faintest memory.

A dream that was a memory.

My ceiling was not what it once was. Everything seemed dark.

Memory is a funny thing. While one remembers something in their sleep—it can be hard to remember once you regain consciousness. Though I knew exactly why that memory had come to pay a visit. I only prayed that it was a trick. I stared at my ceiling, replaying everything in my mind. 

There were steady breaths coming from my right where Draco lay fast asleep. I needed to check. I needed to make sure that it was a dream—not a memory. I was sure it was just a dream, just a nightmare. My hands trembled as I took the covers from my body and slowly made my way out of my room in silence. I crept over to Opal's room, opening the door silently before stepping inside. 

Chest tightened.

Knees buckled.

Cries escaped.

I could barely keep quiet as I was consumed with too much. My hand was almost slapped over my mouth in order to not wake anyone up. But I stared at the bunny on her pillow. The empty bed held nothing but her soft toy. No Opal. She was gone. 

I knelt over her white sheets, gripping the fabric in order to stop any sounds from escaping me. My baby sister was lost forever, and I only prayed the stars took care of her. I cursed the universe for allowing this to happen. I begged for her to be brought back, if they should take someone from the Earth—take me, not her. I begged and I begged through silent whispers. My body shook while I couldn't stop replaying it. 

She was right there. Right in front of me. And nothing could stop the look of horror in her eyes, it stained my vision. Her watery blue eyes, innocent and broken while she stood before him. I buried my head into her white sheets while I gripped them tightly. My shoulders trembled while I tried to keep my cries in hushed tones. 

Opia / D.M 18+Where stories live. Discover now