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{To wander about deleriously}


After a long day of trying to pull myself back together, I had a long and restless sleep. Not even my third cup of coffee could cure the number of times my eyelids wanted to close over themselves. I had decided that we would be going out to London, all of us. I needed to finish up some Christmas shopping, though it was mainly because I couldn't find anything for Draco before we left school. 

We all sat around the dining room table, sipping on our teas and coffees while watching carefully as Opal finished up her breakfast. She always ate slower than everyone else, granted, she was only three. I stared at her with a small smile, remembering the nickname Draco had given her. 

"You doing better today, Ames?" Luis asked from across the table.

I nodded yes but continued to keep my eyes on Opal. My eyes remained stuck on my three-year-old sister until Jasmine walked in. She hadn't been seen around the Manor the day before. She was acting strange. I knew we had a newfound distance between us since the beginning of term, but we shared a dorm together. She kept secrets now, secrets she would have gladly told Blaire and I before. But now she was acting as if she didn't know us, she didn't want to be around us. It was strange. We had been best friends since we could walk, inseparable. But when her family moved, there was something wedged between us. I watched Jaz while everyone else seemed to be focused on Opal. 

Jasmine yawned while she took her seat and stared at the table in front of her. She looked so distant, as if she wasn't herself. I wanted to talk to her, but I could hardly get away from Opal for a mere second to check in with her. 

I found someone fiddling with my hand, more so the rings on my fingers. Twisting them twice clockwise then the reverse. I didn't have to ask the question in order to know it was Draco. He twisted one ring I wore in particular, my amethyst ring. It helped me to balance and stabilise the energy I was receiving. I had to put it on the day before in hopes of easing the pulse waves of negativity that flew into me. I had only stopped wearing it when I realised Draco didn't carry so much negativity around him, though I never realised that was because he held onto the amethyst I had shoved into his hand. 

"Good morning, everyone!" Narcissa beamed into the dim room. No one really lightened up the mood but Cissy, "Now, has everyone got their attire for tomorrow sorted?" She asked.

My eyes widened slightly, "Shit." I spoke under my breath.

"Shit!" Opal mimicked in a shriek, making the majority of the table laugh.

"Opalite," I warned, making her shrink back into her chair, "I haven't, and I don't think Opal has either," I told Cissy honestly, to which she gave an almost knowing smile. 

It was as if she already knew it. She knew that we would have to go dress shopping, it was one of my least favourite things to do. I hated having to go and look for dresses for the Yule Ball, let alone a ball you would be continuously stared at due to all the older men that surrounded the space. It made me uncomfortable to think about. I noticed both Luis and Charlie straighten their postures before they looked at each other—I really needed to be careful around those two.

"I think the both of you need to practice staying out of my head," I warned.

They both looked at me with apologetic eyes before they returned to their teas. My walls were instantly put back up. Their inability to control their natural gift was infuriating sometimes. It was even worse when they had absolutely no control over it. Now it was just annoying when they would let it get the better of them. But when we were younger—it was understandable. A gift for legilimency was in some cases a curse. Charlie had lost a few friends when he couldn't control it, being able to see hear and feel everything they were experiencing at that moment. Charlie was always more cautious with it ever since, but we had made a deal with the two of them—to only use it when we said it was okay.

Opia / D.M 18+Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin