707 18 4

{Partially or totally dark; gloomy}



Our dorm was a fucking mess.

Draco had thrown bottle after bottle down his throat before literally throwing them across the room. His clothes were drenched, he had tear stains down his face. He was completely out of control as I tried to get him to calm down. He was yelling, muttering incoherent things under his breath as if I couldn't hear him. 

He was broken and confused. 

I stepped into the bathroom to control the thoughts that rushed through my mind. Neither one of them would tell me what had happened when I sent Draco to talk to her. I could only assume they had stopped whatever was happening between them, but I had no clue Draco would be so broken. I knew Ames would be distraught, but she seemed to be handling it better than Draco. She stayed in bed and fought to get to the shower—Draco took out his rage and sudden feelings by intoxicating himself and smashing bottles around the room.  

The bathroom seemed to be a place full of peace, a clean place rather than what was going on in our dorm. I could hear as he threw a bottle against the bathroom door, then more crying. I drew in a deep breath as I figured he must have finally cried too much and fallen asleep—I fucking hoped he was asleep. Blaise and I barely knew what to do with the two of them, they were almost out of control. I couldn't tell Blaise about Ames' mark, she told me not to. I couldn't tell Draco either, because I knew he would completely lose his shit then.

Another breath before I grabbed a sobering potion from the cupboard and stepped out of the bathroom. I put the shattered glass that lay in front of the door back together and looked up—hoping to find Draco passed out in his bed. But he was gone, the door was wide open and I thought I could hear him stumbling down the stairs. I quickly made my way down after him, hoping to stop whatever he intended on doing before it got out of hand. 

He was on the last step, his hands over his face as his shoulders shook vigorously. He drew in gasping breaths and rocked back and forward on the step. I sat down with him and placed a hand on his shoulder, he flinched but eventually started to calm down. 

"Amy," He muttered through a half sob.

"I know, mate—I know-"

"She's gone." He sniffed, looking outward to the empty common room, I was only glad the common room was drained of all life forms. 

I rubbed sympathetic circles on his back, trying to ease him into the idea of taking the potion and going back upstairs, "I know, but it'll be good for the both of you-"

"No—she's gone," He looked towards the door into the common room.

My eyes widened as I registered what he had said, "You mean she left?" I asked urgently, receiving a short sobbing nod from him, "Fuck—okay, you need to sober up, right now." I demanded and tried to force the potion down his throat. 

He stood up instantly and pushed me away from him, "Don't Luis! Why would you do that?" He yelled.

"Because Draco. Ames had just left the fucking common room and no one but your drunk arse knew about it. She could be anywhere, doing anything. For all we know—she could have fallen into the black lake." I breathed, "We need to find her mate, you don't want anything bad to happen to her, do you?"

He shrugged his shoulders and turned from me, "Why should I care?" He huffed.

That was when I punched him.

Opia / D.M 18+Where stories live. Discover now