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{A blank space; a missing part}


~Draco's Flashback~

"Draco?" Rose's voice spoke quietly in the doorway of the room I hated but could not escape.

She had tried to speak to me often, but I couldn't bring myself to look at her. She reminded me of Opal. Of course, she reminded me of her daughter, they shared so many features. Opal was almost the spitting bloody image of the woman who left her. The woman who called herself a mother. And now she had the nerve to try and pry me out of my confinement. Where was I supposed to go? To the rundown kitchen? I wasn't allowed to leave. Staying in my room was the best option I could muster. 

"Draco, I'd like to talk to you," I heard her wary footsteps as she slowly began to enter the room. 

I made sure not to move a muscle as I faced away from the door in a bed I found undeniably uncomfortable. I didn't want to give the woman who hurt my Angel a single second of my time. She may not have physically hurt Amy, but I knew she had seriously affected the way she grew up. Without her own mother around, she had to grow up on her own accord. Rose had done Amy more damage than she could have imagined.

I felt her take a seat on the bed I was occupying. The bed I hadn't left in nearly a month. There was nothing else I could do but dwell and sulk in the room I was situated in. 

"I understand that Amethyst has turned you against Donavan and I, but you need to understand why we did what we did," She paused.

I realised she was waiting for a response from me, so I turned my shoulder by the slightest touch, to let her know I was listening.

I heard her take in a breath before she began speaking again, "Donavan and I have been a part of the Order since the first wizarding war. Neither one of us believe in You Know Who's plans. But we both had to play the part if we wanted to get the information the Order needed." I could hear her fiddling with her fingers while she tried to explain herself, "We never intended to have any children. But as soon as Amethyst was brought to the world—everything changed."

I mentally rolled my eyes, finding it hard to believe anything she was saying. 

"We tried to stay for her, we really did. But being a part of the Order—we needed to maintain our cover." She sounded really indulged in the story, "We needed to leave her-"

"No, you didn't." I spat the first words I had properly spoken in weeks.

"We did, Draco. If we didn't leave, we couldn't have kept an eye on Harry. We needed to maintain the peace throughout Europe. It wasn't just Brittian who was affected by the first wizarding war, you know? Multiple different groups began to build opinions much like his. We needed to bring it to a stop." She told me, desperately trying to get me to understand, "And with him back, Donavan was forced onto his side, but when we were given the opportunity to get out, we took it."

"That's right," I sat up quickly, "You took it without giving a second thought about your children! You invited us all to the Manor and we all showed up to a crying Opal—your daughter. Who is no longer with us, by the way." My anger was flooding from every pore in my skin. She stilled at the mention of Opal, but I kept pushing, "You know it was because of you, right?"

She looked away as she spoke through her teeth, "I'm aware." 

"All because Amy didn't know where you were. Because you left and forced her to raise her own sister. You forced her to do your job just so you could run across Europe with your husband." I was finally speaking every single word I wanted to tell her since I heard of her disappearance.

Opia / D.M 18+Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora