717 17 2

{Agressive, belligerent, warlike}


I woke up to two strange feelings. 

1) Opal's finger polking at the skin on my face.

2) An unbearable pain that shot up and down my left arm. 

I sat up instantly with a gasp, no doubt scaring Opal in doing so. I groaned through my teeth as I sought to fight off the shooting pain. I gripped onto my hand, digging my nails deep enough to pierce the skin. I drew in deep breaths as I recentered myself, I reminded myself of where I was and who I was with. The pain became the least of my problems as I turned quickly back to Opal who was huddled against my pillow. 

"I'm so sorry, Oppie. I just had a bad dream," I told her before holding her tightly in my arms.

I had convinced myself that the day before had been a dream, that my parents would never do something so cruel. But it wasn't a dream, it was the cold and harsh reality I lived in. Something I never thought could ever happen to me, happened. And I only feared that eventually, something equally bad would happen to Opal.

Opal eased into my hug and soon wrapped herself up in my arms, "Are you hungry?" I asked, to which she nodded without a sound. I let out a small laugh before getting us both out of bed and walking down towards the kitchen with her still in my arms. She tucked her head in the crook of my neck while she didn't speak. 

Everything seemed so different, the walls of the place I used to call home felt so hollow. It wasn't my home anymore, I had found a new home in someone else. The halls felt silent and airy, the negativity of the house I was living in suddenly seeped into my being, causing me to feel caged and crowded. Everything about the manor felt old and ruined, riddled with darkness and fear. 

Opal played with the hem of my shirt while I hugged her close to my body, I walked her into the dining room only to pause mid-step. My mother and father stared at us blankly, with no expression, no anger or regret about the day before. My teeth snapped together instantly as I tried to walk past them and into the kitchen to make us some food.

"Where do you think you're going?" My father's voice sounded as I was about to walk through the kitchen doors.

I half turned towards him, "To make breakfast for the two of us," I told him sternly.

"There is a perfectly fine breakfast on the table." I could tell he was speaking through his teeth, "Sit." He demanded. 

I took a deep breath before turning and placing Opal in her seat. She tried to hold onto my shirt, and I had to pull her hand away in order to make my way to the opposite side of the table to where my seat was. I sat there in silence, watching Opal while she tried to spoon her porridge and eat it without making a mess. My mother cleared her throat, grabbing my attention before she gestured to the bowl in front of me. I looked down at the sludge and curled my lip, pushing it to the side and buttering a piece of toast instead. 

"Opalite, place some golden syrup over the top," My mother strained a smile, though it wasn't a suggestion. 

Porridge and golden syrup.

Two things that go oddly well together. I paused as I thought about Draco, as I thought about our hill. I knew I wouldn't be back at school until my training was complete. My chest ached and there was another shooting pain that started from my wrist and travelled up towards my neck. It hurt so much that I dropped my toast. I just needed to lock it behind my walls. Everything needed to stay far away. All the memories, all the feelings. They needed to be trapped so that I could finish training and go back to my home.

Opia / D.M 18+Where stories live. Discover now