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{To leave without saying goodbye}



"Draco are you even listening?" Blaise yelled as he paced back and forth in my dorm.

My head shot up instantly at the sound of his voice piercing through my thoughts. My leg was jumping up and down as I was filled with anxiety and worry. Everything felt so strange and surreal. She was back, but I hadn't yet seen her. 

She had absquatulated—gone without a single word. She left without any acknowledgement of my offer. I meant it when I told her I'd take care of both her and Opalite. I meant every single word, but she left without giving me an answer. Luis said she tried to find me, but was going to be late. I couldn't hold it against her, her sister was ill, possibly a life-threatening illness. So I told myself I'd wait, and that was what I did. 

"Huh?" I half asked.

I could hear the anger in his sigh, "Draco, you fucked everything up. Do you even understand that?" He asked, calmer, yet still fuming with rage. 

My leg shook even more as I struggled to reply, "I didn't—I didn't kiss her-"

"Save it mate, you of all people know how she can break-"

"Blaise, calm down." Luis walked into the room, looking pointedly at me. 

I stood up instantly, ready to ask him all the multitudes of questions I had. He was the only one who saw Amy since she was back, him as well as Flint and Lock. Luis pushed on my shoulder in order to keep me sitting on my bed. He looked so tired and drained, I wondered what had happened. 

"Blaise," He spoke tiredly, "Ames is awake, can you go and try to get her to eat something?" He ran his hands down the length of his face while he spoke to Blaise. 

I watched as Blaise nodded, placing his hands on his hips, "What should I give her?"

Luis shrugged, "I don't know, something simple, she hasn't eaten since she got back—Porridge maybe?-"

"No, she hates porridge," I spoke quickly. They both turned and looked at me disapprovingly, "Give her toast with butter, it's something simple." I finished, looking back down to my hands as I fiddled with my rings. 

"Fine," Luis spoke through his teeth, "Give her toast, and keep her away from the bathroom as much as you can," He began speaking in a hushed tone, "If she needs to use the bathroom, tell her she has five minutes." I could barely hear him as he spoke, but it sounded bad. 

What had I done to her?

Blaise was nodding as I looked back up to them, "I have to talk to this arsehole, I'll come to check on her soon." Luis finished, patting Blaise lightly on the shoulder before he left. 

Luis turned back to look at me as he walked over to his bed, sitting across from me. He leaned his elbows on his knees and rubbed his face in his palms. He was taking in deep breaths as to calm himself down, leaving my mind to panic as to what could be wrong. I had no clue why she was being kept from being in the bathroom, I thought maybe she was sick, maybe something had happened to her sister, maybe she caught her illness. All that mixed with what had happened when she returned. 

Everything was fucked.

I had fucked everything up.

After a few agonising minutes of silence, Luis finally sat up straight and looked at me, "What did you do, Draco?" He asked, "I thought you—you promised you wouldn't hurt her-"

Opia / D.M 18+Where stories live. Discover now