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{The fact of being near to someone or something, or closely related to or very much like someone; the property of being close together}


I woke up with a loud gasp and hissed through my teeth. My inhales were loud and sounded like I couldn't breathe at all. I looked around and couldn't find him. I sat up and started to panic. He wasn't there, it was all a dream. My mind was telling me that we failed the mission, that the boys were all dead because I couldn't get Sirius. I started hyperventilating as I realised I was the only one in the room.

It was dark and I could barely see. My gasping breaths sounded desperate, and my chest was caving in on itself. Tears began to run down my cheeks as my panic worsened. I needed to find Opal, I needed to make sure she was alright. I hissed out in pain as I ripped the covers from my body and stood up without allowing my brain to come up with all the possible outcomes of my sudden movement.

As I reached the doorknob, I began to twist it—but not before the door opened quickly and I fell back onto the floor. There was a sudden sting of pain and I gripped around my stomach as quickly as humanly possible. 

"Ames? What are you doing out of bed?" Blaise quickly hurried to the ground, swiftly picking me up and placing me back in my bed. I groaned in pain as he pulled away, "Let me check it—please," He turned on the lamp next to the bed. 

I was in my room, the warm light lit up his face perfectly and showcased his worried eyes. I stayed as still as I could while he lifted the shirt off my stomach. I could already tell there was blood as the shirt stuck to my skin. I felt sick as he pulled the two apart. 

"Shit," He spoke under his breath, kneeling down next to me. I stared at the ceiling, wishing that everything would be alright, "Stay here, Ames. I need to get Cissy." He insisted.

I nodded as he walked away, not having any energy to speak, let alone move again. Only a minute later, Narcissa walked hurriedly into my room, holding a tray of different potions and healing supplies. Her eyes were wide as she looked at my stomach. I could tell I had messed it up after attempting to get to Opal. 

Cissy looked at her tray of potions and picked one up before handing it to me, "Take this, it will help with the pain. I'm going to have to heal it again." She sighed.

I lifted the potion to my lips and swallowed it with ease, it tasted horrid, but the pain subsided within seconds. I tried to breathe, but it felt so difficult. My chest was constricted and rough, my ribs felt like they had tightened even more than before. I tried to calm myself down, to stop the thoughts about Opal, but it was so hard when you had no idea whether your baby sister was safe or not. She was in a house full of Death Eaters. My three-year-old sister, living with some of the worst wizards and witches the world has known. 

"Where is she?" I found myself asking as Narcissa began dropping a clear liquid over the re-opened wound. 

She looked up to me with darting eyes, and I panicked. I tried to sit up when she didn't answer, but Blaise pushed me back down firmly by my shoulders. He held me down with his large hands and practically restrained me until Cissy was finished. She had wrapped a bandage soaked in Dittany around my entire torso, I couldn't help but think about how expensive that would have been. Dittany was in some cases rare, if you wanted or needed it—you would either have to pay a great price, or you would have to go foraging for it yourself. 

When she finally pulled back after working in silence, Blaise still wouldn't let go, "Where is she?" I asked again, though this time it came out low and threatening. 

"She's asleep, Amethyst." She replied simply.

"I want to see her-"

"She's asleep-"

Opia / D.M 18+Unde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum