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{Attractive and alluring}



"Rita Skeeter can suck my dick." I huffed.

"You're still worked up on that stupid article?" Draco asked with a sigh. 

I put the paper back down in my lap and turned to look at him. He lay in my bed, reading one of my many books, his sapphires never left the ink on the page while he spoke. I couldn't not be worked up about the article. I was beyond mad. Rita Skeeter had no right to write about us, we never even answered her stupid questions. 

"How can I not be?" I slightly pouted, feeling completely burnt out due to the past week. 

Draco put the book down for the first time that morning and took the paper from my hands, "Don't worry about it, love. It's not like she said something that could ruin everything we have." He sat up and stretched his arms around my waist before pulling me back down with him, "I love you, Angel. Nothing is going to happen."

I hugged myself into him, engulfing myself in his warmth. My home. So safe and utterly warm. I didn't want to move, I would have gladly fallen asleep once more, but I knew that Opal needed to have her bath and get ready for her day. Although we would only stay in the Manor, it was always a good habit to get ready for our days as usual. 

"I love you too," My voice came out muffled as I spoke into his shirt.

"What was that?" He laughed.

I lazily lifted my head, resting my chin on his chest and stared intently into his sapphires, "I love you too." I spoke softly.

His smile widened before he leaned up and placed a kiss on my forehead. I instantly collapsed my head back onto his chest, closing my eyes, taking him in. All of him. The memories we had created, on our hill, in my childhood home. I smiled to myself as I played our song in my head, our group song. The lyrics danced around my mind, I could see the keys I needed to press as if they were right in front of me. There was something about our song that made everything seem easier. Sure—it was a sappy song about love. But now it felt like so much more. After experiencing the love I felt for Draco, I finally understood the lyrics to their full extent. Everything seemed to click into place. Because I would wait for him, no matter how long. I would wait until the end of the Earth. I would do so much for him, and he had no idea.

As sleep was about to consume me once again, there was a small knock on my door. I groaned slightly before I spoke, "Come in." 

I tilted my head so I could see who was about to walk in. I smiled as I saw Opal perched on Cissy's hip. She was all dressed and cleaned, already prepared for her day.

"Good morning, Amethyst—oh, and Draco," She gave the two of us that small smile, "I was just wondering if I could take Opalite with me to do some shopping, give her a day out of the house." She smiled warmly.

I looked to Draco before sitting up properly and smiled at Cissy, "That sounds like something she would enjoy. Where are you planning on going?" I asked, slightly cautious as to how far I would let Opal go.

Cissy placed Opal down so she could climb her way onto my bed, "Just to Diagon Ally." She told me while keeping her eyes on Opal.

I stifled a laugh as Opal attempted to climb up onto the bed, though eventually needed my help. She latched her arms around my neck tightly as I picked her up. her small three-year-old frame fit perfectly in my lap while I said goodbye. I trusted Cissy with my life, and I would always trust her to take care of Opal, she knew how much she meant to me. I loosened my grip on her slightly and placed a loving kiss on her forehead, twisting her small blonde locks around my fingers as I did so. 

Opia / D.M 18+Where stories live. Discover now