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{A hiding place; a place of safety and comfort}


He tasted of breath mints.

His lips were warm. 

His hand cradled my cheek carefully as he held me close to him. With one hand holding my face, and the other placed tentatively on my back, I leaned into him, but not before realising what was happening. I tried to pull away before I could get too engrossed in the feeling, only to be brought back by both his large hands on my waist, pulling me back to him. I kissed him back, everything felt so right. I laced my fingers through his bright blonde locks, tugging at the strands slightly before moving down to the nape of his neck. He brought one of his hands around to my stomach, feeling its way around until it found my breast, causing me to gasp.

It was the perfect opportunity for him to slide his tongue through my parted lips, and that was exactly what he did. His tongue danced with mine in a battle of control, we both wanted it, and it was a rough fight, though I wouldn't give in. It was passionate, filled with lust and desire. I had given in, allowed him to submerge me within his ocean. His hand moved from my breast to find his other hand around my waist. He held on tight, possessively, I could tell he didn't want to let go, that he wanted to keep me submerged for as long as he could.

I pulled back, resting my forehead against his. My breathing was sporadically placed, as was his. I felt water droplets on my skin, it began to rain. The first rain I had felt on my skin since arriving at Hogwarts. Neither one of us could speak as he held me close, my hands were draped loosely on his shoulders as the tears from the sky fell harder. It felt as if the rain was just for us, that it had chosen that specific moment to pour out its emotions, all for us. 

A smile began to tug at the corner of my lips as I realised. The rain was for us, telling us that it was all meant to happen. A signal from the universe and the stars, showing us that everything was happening as it should. The rain turned into a downpour, and we just sat there. Breathing in each other, holding onto one another. I pulled my forehead away from his, staring into his azure oceans, feeling more than free. My smile only grew as I saw his, his genuine smile never left as I studied his appearance. 

I began to laugh, amused by the situation we were in. He laughed too, looking up to the clouded sky as our clothes got drenched with the skies tears. As he looked back at me, his smile couldn't have been more prominent, more joyful. 

He was happy. 

"I didn't expect that," I spoke softly through the water that streamed down my skin.

His eyes narrowed, "I thought I gave you enough warning," He laughed. 

I took his hand from my waist and began to twist at his rings, the way he did. Twice clockwise, then the reverse, "I knew you were going to kiss me, I just didn't expect it to feel like that."

His eyes were on me and the corner of his mouth twitched upward once again. He trapped my fingers within his hand, stopping me from twisting and turning his rings, holding onto my hand as our fingers intertwined. I looked down to our hands, wet from the rain that continued to fall, as I looked back at him, his smile had faded, he was studying me, "You don't want anyone to know," He spoke softly.

"They can't know," I shook my head, looking back to my hand in his.

"Why not?"

My head tilted to the side as I traced the snake on his ring with my free hand, "Rumours spread like the firestorm charm at this school. It wouldn't take long for my father to find out, then he'd either beat you to a pulp, or take me out of school." 

Opia / D.M 18+Where stories live. Discover now