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{Pleasing to the eye}



We walked in silence through the halls, the dim-lit pathways were slightly hard to see through. Draco and I walked side by side, almost touching, but not close enough for contact. I felt my hand twitching—desperately trying to meet his. He was a necessity now, something I couldn't live without. I felt as though I couldn't go more than a few hours without his touch. It was torturous, not being able to display whatever we had as others would. But it was for his and Opals safety. I couldn't be taken out of school, and I couldn't let Draco get hurt by my father. 

We had spent nearly every night over the past month together on that hill. We shared secrets no one knew, we stared at each other, we reminisced on our childhood memories. We would talk for hours upon hours until we felt like we would fall asleep. Every night, I was able to touch him, to hold his hand in mine and stare at the night sky. Every night, I was comforted in more ways than I had ever been comforted in my life. No one could compare to the amount of happiness he handed me. 

My hand couldn't seem to take it anymore, we were so close—and yet so far apart. My fingers jolted at points as we walked through the dark halls. No one would see, we were just as much in the dark as anyone else. Without thinking, I took a deep breath and reached for his hand. He had become such an essential part of my daily life. His hand flinched as I wrapped my fingers around his, but he soon relaxed. We continued to walk in close proximity—in complete silence. 

"Are you okay?" I thought, hoping he heard me. 

Two small taps on my hand signalled a yes, though he still didn't speak. 

I forced myself to take deep breaths and not delve into a situation I couldn't find a solution to. If he didn't want to talk, or feel the need to talk then we didn't have to. I built up my walls again, blocking off the thoughts and memories I didn't need. I needed to focus. I was turning abysmal in astronomy, the only reason I was still afloat in the rocky boat was because of him. If I didn't have Draco I would have drowned already. 

After walking up the hundreds of stairs into the astronomy tower, I realised I had to let go of his hand. I reluctantly pulled myself away and stepped further apart from him as we stepped out onto the roof. Sinistra looked pointedly towards Draco and I, as if we had done something wrong by entering her class. We were both in our uniforms, we were on time—I had no clue why she looked so strained, although—she was undeniably strict, so maybe we had walked in at a point where she was already fed up with the class. 

As Draco and I leaned against the barricade on the edge of the roof, Sinistra let out a low sigh, "You will use your textbooks to write a single parchment describing the environment of Pluto, Mars, and another planet of your choice," She paused by the door, "I will be in my office, I expect these parchments to be completed by the end of the hour." She finished and began walking down the stairs.

I let out a low sigh, realising that it would take me an excessive amount of time to write. Draco and I sat on the ground as there were no desks or chairs. There was a slight breeze through the air, but it wasn't strong enough to disrupt us as we worked. I laid out my parchment, quill and inkpot before pulling out my textbook. I paused as I thought of the best way to write and read without the glasses I hated. I decided to turn my back to the rest of the class as they began to write, I used my left hand to cover my right eye as I started to read and write notes.

I could feel his eyes on me as I wrote. I fought the urge to meet his intense gaze as it nearly burnt through my skin. There were distant whispers throughout the class as we continued with our work. Draco had leaned against the wall barricade while he spun his quill around in his fingers. He wasn't writing—he seemed the least bit interested in the parchment we had to produce by the end of the lesson. 

Opia / D.M 18+Where stories live. Discover now