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{Protect; to keep safe}


The burn only worsened as I tried to get dressed as quickly as I could.

I was frantic. I was worried. My fears and anxiety began to take over. We had barely slept a full hour before the burn began. It only worsened with every second I searched for my clothes. I couldn't put my dress on due to the large rip down the front. I was rushing around my room while Draco tried to wake up properly. 

"Amy?" He asked again, though I couldn't respond, "Amy?" He asked another time.

"I'm being called, Draco." I nearly yelled at him. I put whatever I could find over my body before I rushed to the side of the bed and kissed his forehead, "I love you." I told him.

He nodded with worried eyes, "I love you too." 

After grabbing my wand, I left my room in a hurry and found my way to the drawing-room. I paused outside the double doors, taking in a deep breath before shutting off my mind. I blocked everything behind my walls. I made sure that every single entrance was blocked off, making sure no one would be able to access anything. With another deep breath, I opened the doors and walked in with my head held high. I blocked away the terror and fear that made my bones buzz. I blocked off every thought that could have a negative impact. I made sure that there was nothing anyone could find.

"Ahh—Amethyssst." His voice echoed in my ears while his eyes stared into my soul.

A small tingle began to buzz in the walls of my mind. He was trying to get in, to break through. It hurt—but I wouldn't let it show. I was supposed to be his prodigy. I was better than any other Death Eater he had. I continued to walk until I stood before him. Bellatrix stood to my left while I looked into his red eyes. He was intimidating, tall and sent shudders of negativity through my whole body.

He smirked while he realised he couldn't access what he wanted, "A tasssk for you my dear." He beckoned for Bellatrix to step forward.

Though she didn't step—she skipped towards us. I could feel her lack of sanity while she moved closer. I could just picture the smile she wore while she stared at me. I didn't back down. Most of his followers wouldn't dare to look into his eyes. Most of his followers would rather stare anywhere else than at him. Though I kept my eyes on his—no matter how terrified it made me. 

"As the one who brought me the infamous, Siriusss Black..." He began circling me while he spoke, "You will be the one to perform the final interrogation." He spoke directly into my ear.

"My Lord?" I asked in slight confusion. 

I thought that Sirius would have died by now. Why would he need me to do the final interrogation? I had nothing. I didn't know how to interrogate anyone. If anyone were to interrogate him—it should be either him or Bellatrix.

He chuckled lowly while he turned to face me once more, "Tell me, my dear dear Amethyssst," He brushed a strand of my hair behind my ear, making me want to vomit, "What is your wand core?" 

My brows subtly furrowed before I responded, "Rougarou hair—my Lord." 

He smiled with his decaying teeth, showing them proudly, "Brilliant usage for the Dark Arts." His eyes seemed to beam in excitement, "Rougarou hair core is rather rare—is it not?" He narrowed his eyes.

"It is—my Lord," I confirmed shortly.

He seemed to shake the thought that was in his head away before he spoke once again, "You will pull the last piece of information from him. Then—you will kill him." My heart stopped, my lungs tightened, my world paused. "We have no use for him once he hands over the information we need." 

Opia / D.M 18+Where stories live. Discover now