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{Of or pertaining to emerald; resembling emerald}



Our night out on the roof was one to remember. We sat there together under the light of the moon, watching as the rain collided with the wards around us. I had pulled her to lie on my chest as we watched the world above us, and she woke up with a smile that stretched from ear to ear. The twins were convinced that she was high.

We had gotten used to our new lives, training almost every day—trying to get Potter to agree to use at least a little bit of dark magic. But no matter how hard we tried, he still wouldn't budge. Amy was getting restless with the fact that a plan hadn't been put in place to get Blaise and Parkinson out of the Manor—it had nearly been three weeks since we brought her back. 

Over our time hidden away from the world, we tried our best to get along with everyone else there. Amy had almost no trouble making friends—I on the other hand couldn't manage to befriend any of them. Granger was kind enough, though I wouldn't call her a friend, more of an acquaintance. I had never been social before, nor had I genuinely tried to make friends at Hogwarts. When I met Amy, I was thrown into a sea of people—becoming her friend was pure luck.

Her head lulled to rest on my shoulder as we sat in the old library. It was more of a study with bookshelves than a library that we were accustomed to. But as she read by my side—one hand covering her right eye—and I annotated her favourite book, I had never felt more at home. She was everything, the light in my life and the oxygen in my lungs. She was as beautiful as the day I met her—if not more. Where I was desperate to live, she gave me life. And when I felt that life crumble—she was there to pick up the pieces. 

"Do you think we'll ever leave?" She wondered aloud as she turned her page.

I stiffened at the thought of it, of being somewhere other than the secure place I had spent the past nearly three months. "I'm not sure. Would you wish to?"

I could feel her thinking as she processed my question, "I don't particularly fancy spending the rest of my life hidden away from everyone and everything."

I rested my arm around her shoulder and kissed her temple delicately, "That doesn't answer my question. A simple yes or no will suffice."

She pondered in her thoughts for a little while longer, breathing in deep inhales while her eyes darted around in search of her answer. It was as if she expected the room to hand her answer to her—but when the room offered no help at all, she simply sighed.

"I'm not sure, Draco. After everything I've been through—everything we've been through, I think we deserve more freedom rather than being kept under these wards." She turned to face the boarded-up window, "I know that life isn't fair—but this? It's almost inhumane."

I watched her closely as she shook her head and went back to her book. I watched her thumb rub over the triangle mark Granger had given her the night I saw her again. She liked to trace her thumb over it a lot, as if it was a reminder that everything she was experiencing was real. I hated how much Pucey had tormented her throughout our time separated. He haunted her dreams and riddled her mind with dark impurities. I had to be gentle when I reached for her, to not make such sudden movements. I was scared I would send her back there, that I would trigger a memory she should never have to relive. 

She rubbed her ring finger subconsciously as she read without a care in the world. Her head found my shoulder once more, and I hugged onto her as if she would be taken from me at any second.

"Would you wish to?" Her voice came out in a whisper.

Her words had made me think of what my answer would be if she asked. I smiled down at her, knowing exactly what I would say, "I would follow you anywhere, my Angel. I will go anywhere that makes you happy—if it's here, if it's a small house in the middle of nowhere... There's nothing that would stop me from being by your side." 

Opia / D.M 18+Where stories live. Discover now