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{The reflection of  the moon on the water} 


"The healing properties of crystals- oh, come in dear. Quick, quick, take your seat." The nut head professor beckoned over to the only available seat in the class, no doubt it had to be next to Malfoy.

Being on time for class was never my main priority, especially when my mind was rushing through a thousand different thoughts per minute. The weird cushions never failed to make me uncomfortable as I sat down. I didn't mind divination, it was probably my best subject. Though I gained most of my knowledge from books my mother and father kept around the house. While they were away, on business, I would spend my summer days reading through the old, dusty books, learning about different crystals, how to read tea leaves, most things I had learned went beyond the basic school teachings, so divination was a subject I didn't really need.

"Now, crystals..." The unhinged professor continued through the lesson as if I hadn't interrupted her momentum. 

Malfoy didn't bother to look in my direction at all, his burning glare never melted through my skin, he didn't glance once at me. And although I was thankful, I couldn't help but want him to glare at me, to make some sort of snarky remark towards my tardiness, how deranged my appearance was, anything. But nothing. The only thing I received from him was the endless waves of negativity, it was overwhelming how much energy he was giving off, I could feel it all, it was too much, too intense. 

Trelawney had placed a bowl of crystals on everyone's tables and told us to look through our books to identify the crystals and their healing properties. Malfoy opened his book in a downright huff, glancing at the four crystals briefly before glancing back to the book. I had to take one look at the crystals to know that they were, tigers eye, green aventurine, clear quartz, and an amethyst. Healing properties were simple as I had studied the crystals to the full extent back home. I had finished the small assignment in no less than five minutes. 

Malfoy glanced towards my parchment as I placed my quill down and leaned back into the weird bean bag, cushion combination. He shook his head as his jaw tensed before his grip got tighter on his quill, a wave of his intense negative energy hit me like a stone. 

"Merlin, Malfoy." I spoke softly as I felt like I had been hit by a stunning spell, "Hold onto this for me please, just to give me a little peace of mind, and to help you ease up a bit." I leaned forward and placed the amethyst in the palm of his hand, hoping that it was charged enough to relieve him of the negativity that clouded his aura. 

I leaned back, once again, and crossed my arms, feeling somewhat more relieved as the energy I was previously surrounded in, eased up slightly. I glanced across the class to see Luis staring at me with apologetic eyes, knowing I was tense and desperately needed to be submerged in the light of the full moon.

"What the fuck is this for?" Malfoy spat, looking at the purple rock in his hand with a disgusted expression plastered on his pale face.

"You are literally surrounded by negativity, Malfoy. It's fucking draining, so you need to either hold onto the crystal, or switch seats with someone." I told him in a stern tone, while I picked up my divination book and began to read nothing in particular. 

From my peripheral vision, I could see his hand clench, holding on tighter to the purple object. I felt as if I could finally breathe, everything in the room felt lighter. Why did Malfoy carry so much negativity around him all the time? It occurred to me that I was feeling so drained, so tired because of him. His angry, negative cloud of energy followed him as he went, and poured its anger and bitterness into my being. I thanked the gods that the small crystal helped to take the stress away from me, helping me to focus on my day before I could cleanse my mind in the bright light and shadow of the moon.

Opia / D.M 18+Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang