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{Pleasure in the misfortune of others}



We were ready.

We had spent the next week and a half studying the map Remus and I had created. Draco had helped train everyone in the art of reading minds, and how we could communicate in silence. It was stressful, studying the map day and night. The most opportune moment we could find was in the evening, just as the spring sun would set. It was when the guards would change their post, we found it took roughly ten minutes for their rotations, and that was the time we could get in undetected.

Draco loved me every minute I studied my home on a piece of paper. I often caught his eye and how his lips were trapped in a smile while he watched me. I could tell he was getting suspicious of me, why I kept dressing when he slept and slipped into the bathroom straight after breakfast. It scared me that he might find out before I wanted him to. I couldn't let him pull me away from this—I needed to help them. If I couldn't save Opal or my parents, I was sure as hell going to do anything I could to help everyone else.

The plan was easy enough to remember, but it was stressful as we ran over the timings. We were all sitting around the kitchen table, staring at the inked piece of parchment before us. Remus and I had spent countless hours watching the map, taking notes of who stood where and when. We needed to make sure that their timings weren't sporadic, it needed to be timed, it needed to be perfect. My eyes began to grow heavy as we waited for the guards to change their position. I could have done with a coffee, but having to stay away from all types of caffeine made my head hurt more than it should've.

"Alright, now that Dolohov's in position, let's review the plan," Hydrys pulled back and stared deeply into our eyes.

And as he caught mine, I felt a chilling sensation roll through my skin. He was trying to get into my head, knocking at the door I usually only let Draco through. But I let him in because we needed to communicate in silence. We had become accustomed to the feeling, to randomly testing one another to see if they were capable of allowing us in. Hermione was amazing at barging through without knocking, so were Luis and Charlie. But the rest of us were polite. We waited, we knocked, and we had to figure out who was waiting for their entry pass. It was a difficult process, but there were certain tells everyone had when they tried to get in. Hydrus would make eye contact, creating an easier gateway into one's head. Ron would fist his hand into a tight ball while Harry tried to maintain his composure. But we knew how to do it, and that was all we needed.

"Start us off, will you?" He quirked a brow with a faint hint of a smile.

He was still just as complicated as ever.

I drew in a deep breath and sat back in my chair. I took a hold of Draco's hand, knowing I would need his support with everything I was going to say. He gave me two little taps, letting me know that everything would be alright.

"We leave in twenty minutes—when Dolohov moves to the drawing-room." I stated with as much confidence as I could muster, "It takes about ten minutes for the guards to change their positions, and with Dolohov near the Drawing room, Amycus Carrow will be guarding the back entrance. We'll apparate just outside the wards, here—" I pointed to the small mark I had made on the parchment, "It'll take me no more than two minutes to get through the wards. Draco will go first and take care of Carrow number one and put his mask and cloak on."

"And you're sure this next part will work?" Charlie asked before I noticed a worried look from Fred and George.

"It has to. The twins are strange, and I'm sure that if anything were to happen to Fred, you'd feel something, wouldn't you George?" I asked them, hoping and praying to the stars that it would work out how I had planned. "While Amycus is guarding the back door, Alecto is just inside—they don't like being separated. I'm sure that if the plan doesn't work, I can just go straight into the house and get her robes then-"

Opia / D.M 18+Where stories live. Discover now