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{The sky; the heavens}


It didn't rain.

I watched Draco carefully as he held me protectively in his arms. The last time we had fallen asleep on the hill, was the first night we spent there. The first night I was introduced to the spot I went to whenever I needed to breathe. His eyes were closed, his jaw was relaxed, unclenched with slightly parted lips. I held my breath as I shifted in his arms, hoping and praying to the fading stars that I wouldn't wake him up. 

The sun was starting to rise, only just making its way past the horizon. The stars in the sky were still visible, but they'd soon fade as the sun joined the clouds to protect us throughout the day. I was able to pull myself up to watch the sunrise, clutching my legs to my chest as I rested my chin on my knees. I tilted my head as I let my mind wander aimlessly. The only recurring thought I could come up with, was Draco. He was stuck in my memory. He was permanently engraved in everything, branded like a tattoo on one's skin. 

Like the tattoo on my skin. 

I had never planned to mention that tattoo to anyone, Luis had seen it, though he never asked. Luis knew that music was important to me, he knew it was my way of escaping the life that I struggled to live. He knew more than anyone else how much I wanted to rid my mind of Draco, Luis was constantly by my side, reminding me of ways I could forget. Draco had broken me once before, I would never be able to forget that night in the common room. How his sapphires stared deeply into my emeralds before he turned and kissed Parkinson. That was the first time he had ever trapped my eyes in his. The very first time our cards were dealt. 

Draco was right, the sky did look like an oil painting. The caelum was clear, with the exception of the odd cloud. I thought back to the night before, how I allowed his words and his eyes to dissolve me, to turn me into liquid. I thought of how I drowned in the vibrations of his voice, of the way his mind worked. 

He was wrong though.

The most beautiful mind belonged to him. To be able to think such things as what he had told me—that was more beautiful than anyone could imagine. His body had been branded and marked by evil, but his mind was as pure as anything else, more beautiful than anything else. He was filled with the light against the darkness, he was the pinholes in the black paper that was the night sky. How he couldn't see those things, I wasn't sure. But I knew I couldn't argue with him. He would only find more things about me he could claim as more beautiful than anything else. I hated how he knew what to say and how to say it. I hated how his words sent waves of chills throughout my body. 

But I loved it far too much to think about how much I hated it.

I turned back towards Draco, desperate to see the peace that would be displayed across his perfect face. Though his eyes were open and his sapphires stared into my emeralds. His hands were holding up his head as he watched me carefully. I laughed, realising he was watching me while I looked out towards the rising sun, "You're a creep," I told him with a smile.

He smiled straight back, "Well, you're a weirdo." He retorted, making my heart fill with warmth.

"It's better to be weird than be a creep," I told him as he sat up next to me, wrapping me tightly in his arms.

He tucked my head against his chest while he rested his chin on the top of my head, "Says who?" I could feel the smile bleeding from his lips as he spoke. 

"Says me," I whispered, pressing my lips against the fabric of his sweater. 

I was filled with an overwhelming sense of happiness, reliving memories with him as we used to call each other those exact names. Every day we saw each other, it was always 'Hey creep' and 'Hey weirdo' it caused our parents to have some serious discussions with us, but we never stopped. Draco and I had a friendship like no other, as much as I tried to forget it, or tell myself otherwise. In some aspects—we were closer than Luis and I ever were. 

Opia / D.M 18+Where stories live. Discover now