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{Lasting for only a short time, then disappearing quickly and being forgotten}


I waited.

I waited until everything fell silent.

I checked the halls and made sure the ball was over completely. There was no sign of anyone other than myself wandering the halls. I drew in a deep breath as I made my way into the West wing and paused once again as I stood outside my door. Blaise was merely two rooms away from mine, and I didn't need him waking up.

I took no time to relish in his scent, nor did I look at the bathroom. I simply went into my closet and plucked Draco's sweater off the hanger before I walked back out. It was as if I had held my breath as I walked in there. I didn't want to be in there. All I needed was his sweater. It was the one remaining physical piece of him. Cissy had taken everything else, and I didn't blame her.

I tried to stay silent as I walked down the stairs, I tried to stop my wincing every single time I bumped the wall. I bit my lip while I tried to stay quiet, though hissed as I must have opened up the cut on my lip. I held onto the material in my hands tightly as I silently walked out onto the back patio.

It was cold.

But I didn't put the sweater on.

Goosebumps formed on my arms while I took a seat on one of the steps. I looked out to the stars, and I prayed to them for forgiveness. My knuckles would have been white due to the strength I was putting into gripping his sweater. The transgression into spring was in full swing. The wind was cold, though there was no snow. And there was no rain. The patio was cold and sent chills all over my body while I stared at the pinholes in the sky.

I apologised.

Over and over.

I begged the stars to forgive me for what I was going to do. I would have sounded mad if you had of seen me. I asked Opal to look away, I told the angels to protect them as I did what I needed to. Because I did need to. I was broken and literally bruised. The skin on my face was discoloured, a black eye and bloodied nose were all you could look at. He had done that. Pucey had ruined me. Pucey had used me and taken advantage of everything about me.

Draco had never thought to do such things. I pushed him away when I told him not to ruin me, but he never intended to. He loved me instead. He showed me that with him—I was the strongest I had and would ever be. But Pucey? Pucey placed a bid on me, just to see how far he could go. He wanted to get back at me for not letting him touch me during school.

I looked up and I waited. I was procrastinating. All I needed to do was find something hard and hit him over the head. But I had killed before. And this was going to be different. I tried to breathe, I tried to focus on all the reasons as to why it had to be done. I remembered Draco. I remembered Pucey's words towards him. Draco would indeed have put up a fight to have me. And I would have fought with him.

I looked at the bundle of fabric in my shivering hands and I felt as my fingers twitched almost uncontrollably. There was a drop of water that fell into the palm of my hand. My brows furrowed instantly and tears formed in my eyes as I remembered all the times my fingers had twitched in the past.


I flinched and stood instantly, turning to face the direction of the voice.

I nearly dropped to my knees as the rain began to build up.

I stumbled back with a gaping mouth, dropping his sweater and covering my mouth. My hands wouldn't stop twitching, my body didn't stop shivering. But instead—my shoulders shook as tears flooded down my cheeks.

Opia / D.M 18+Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora