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{Dark and shadowy}


I woke up to the sound of a high pitch beep to my right.

When I opened my eyes, I was in a room filled with bright white light bouncing off the walls. My eyes tried hard to stay open, but it was so difficult. The light brought a migraine along with it, it started behind my right eyebrow and pounded as if it wanted to get out.

I tried to search my surroundings, but all I wanted to do was go back to sleep. 

I heard shuffling next to me and my eyes opened back up instantly. Though when I turned to my left there was only a witch with a disgusted look plastered on her face. I was hoping to be met with Draco's sapphires, not her.

Confusion took over my body. I had no idea how I had ended up in this white room with a witch I had never met before. I tried to think, but nothing was coming to mind. And as I went to rub my eyes, my hand stopped before it could reach my face. I looked down at my hands and saw the shackles attached to the bed.

More confusion.

Why was I shackled to a bed in a white room with a random witch by my side?

"Oh," the witch started, "you're awake." She did not seem pleased with me.

I watched in silence as she moved around the room. I examined her, she wore something similar to Madame Pomfrey. That was when it hit me, I was in a hospital. But I couldn't figure out why. My mind was scattered, filled with confusion and questions.

"Where's Draco?" I managed to ask in a raspy voice.

"You are not allowed visitors, Miss Greenwood-"

"Malfoy," I corrected her.

She did not seem pleased with my rebuttal. 

Just as I was about to speak once more, two men walked into the room with their wands in their hands. I looked at them with a blank face. The man on the right was tall, the other was a head shorter, and neither one wore a smile. They were both dressed in black robes, their hair had been nicely done. They seemed to be on important business.

The witch cleared her throat, "Her vitals are where they should be, and the baby is perfectly healthy. The only trouble may be her memory." Her monotoned voice brought me no comfort.

"Thank you, Madame Brigmane." The taller man spoke.

She promptly left without another word, no doubt glad to be out of the room. The two men came beside me and began removing the shackle on my right arm. They did so without speaking a word, though when they began on my left arm, they took my right hand and bound me with the metal bracelets.

My brows knotted together.

"Amethyst Greenwood, you have been placed under arrest for conspiring with and helping Tom Riddle. And so, you will be taken to Azkaban prison until the time of your trial."

A gasp fled my lips as they stood me up from the bed and began walking with me out to the corridor. As soon as we stepped out the door, bright flashing lights caused me to flinch. 

The war.

What had happened, I couldn't remember how it ended or how I came to be here. How long had it been? Who had been lost? Who won?

There was shouting around me as camera flashes went off continuously. Every light I saw reminded me of all the running. The spells that flew past my head. I was ready to cry just from the memory of it all. The screams returned as reporters shouted questions at me.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 17, 2023 ⏰

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