424 18 2

{The joy of meeting or finding someone again after a long separation; rediscovery}



I pulled back and stared into his sapphires. He was so broken, so distraught. I could feel everything he had been through, how his mind worked and worked as he was so far away. I could feel how tight his lungs were, though I took in a deep breath as I realised we weren't restrained anymore. His sapphires glistened with the sight of tears, and I instantly pulled him towards me. 

That was the thing with using legilimency, they relived everything you watched. They saw it just as you did. I had put Draco through what he already perceived as his reality. I was only thankful he would never ask to see how the past two months had treated me. 

I ran my fingertips through his hair as he held onto my waist. His head was buried into my shoulder while his grip never faltered. He realised he had me back. His reality was finally sinking in. He had gotten me back, he made it and finally had me in his arms. Silent tears fell down my cheeks as I felt what he felt. I understood everything he had gone through, and I was only glad he didn't have to see what I went through. 

"I love you," I whispered. 

He squeezed onto me tighter than before. I could feel his lips move against my shoulder and a muffled sound left his throat. 

I laughed as I pulled him back, "What was that?" I smiled. 

His eyes turned a different shade of blue as he stared into my emeralds, "I love you," He paused, "Future Mrs Malfoy." 

I laughed with my tears as I realised how everything was going to change. He brought his hand to my cheek and pulled his lips to mine. I kissed him with more love than I had ever given him before. Everything seemed different after experiencing what he went through. I loved him more than I could think of, I had found some new form of admiration for the man in front of me. 

There was a knock at the door, and Draco stood to open it. A man in a black suit and shiny shoes walked into the room with a trolly in front of him. I hugged my knees to my chest as I watched him. I was filled with a fear that I hadn't felt before. I didn't know the man in the room, I didn't know what side he was on, he could have been a muggle or he could have been on his side. But without a wand, I had no way of defending myself if something went wrong. 

I watched as he placed different plates with chloshes onto a table, and I held my breath with every step he was closer to me. I was so tense my limbs were nearly shaking. The presence of an unknown man in the room made me concerned, frightened, I felt—intimidated. And I hated feeling intimidated. 

Draco spotted my tense shoulders and looked into my eyes with sincerity, "Thank you, I've got it from here," He told the man.

I watched in silence as he left the room without touching or looking at anything else in the room. He barely paid any attention to me, and yet—I still felt so small. A small fish in the biggest ocean. The smallest atom in the largest universe. 

"It's okay, Angel." Draco took my hand and guided me towards the table, "We're going to eat, and then we're going to shower, and then—we're going to the barn to meet Luis and the trio." 

I smiled as he showed me all the food he had ordered. He knew exactly what I needed and how to comfort me. We didn't have to speak as I looked around for something enjoyable to eat. My stomach lurched at my lack of food, and I suddenly felt sick. I pushed it back, leaving it to dwell and sit there. I wouldn't be sick, it was just because of the anxiety. 

Opia / D.M 18+حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن