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{To break; to violate; broken or cracked}



"Amy, please-"

"Don't call me that either," I spoke through a sob.

I could hear his footsteps as they soaked and splashed through the mud beneath us. It hurt too much, everything fucking hurt. Being on the hill. Being with him. The fucking mark. I stared out towards the black lake, watching all the ripples in the water from the rain, every ripple connected to another, making the lake look rough and angry. It was hard to see through the blur of my tears that wouldn't stop. 

His steps towards me grew quicker and quicker, I instantly stood up and backed away, trying to hide my face from him in the process. My chest heaved as I tried to hold back the sobs I wanted to let out. My hands twitched relentlessly, though I couldn't figure out if it was because he was so close, or if it was the remaining effects of the torture I had endured. 

"Please just—please let me explain," He spoke quickly as he tried to step closer to me. 

I couldn't help but take more steps back, I was scared—scared that I might let him back in. I was so scared I would get hurt again. I couldn't let that happen, I was already crushed. Once I was the sand in his palms, but now I was falling through his fingers, falling because he let me. I kept my eyes down, staring at the soaked grass beneath my feet, I was too scared to even look at him. I could only picture what he looked like, and I wouldn't allow myself to fall further.

I could hear his loud and frantic breaths, "Please—I didn't kiss her,  Amy. I didn't, it wasn't me. She—she pushed me against the wall and—and I hit my head—" He was frantic and stumbled through his words, "Luis—Luis knows, he's seen—please—fuck, please—"

He cut himself off with a sound I had never heard escape his lips. He started crying, and I thought my heart had just been torn apart. He choked out sob after sob, taking more steps closer to me in the process. My tears fell with the water from the sky, falling down my cheeks as I kept my eyes focused on the ground. I held my arms tightly crossed over my chest, trying to protect myself from what was to come. My ribs, my lungs, my heart—it all hurt with such a force no healer would be able to mend. 

I gasped as I felt his skin touch mine, and the pain eased. I sobbed more and more because I knew I was falling for it. He wrapped his arms around me and I wanted more than anything to give into him, I wanted to tell him. But it was clear that anything could happen. I stood there, in the downpour and allowed him to hug me. My arms were tight around my chest while I cried. He buried his head in the crook of my neck and his sobs were like the shooting pains I felt in my arm. They were desperate, sorry and above all—they were so fucking painful.

Painful to hear, painful to feel against my skin. He was shaking just as much as I was. We had officially broken each other. We crumbled and lay on the ground as particles that meant nothing. We both allowed ourselves to get hurt, we allowed this to happen to us. 

He pulled away reluctantly and tried to hold onto my shoulders, but I stepped back. I could hear the gasp from his lips as he realised what I was doing, "No—no, Angel. Please!" He nearly shouted through a loud sob, "Please—you have to belie-"

"I do believe you," I started as I tried to calm myself down. I did believe him, if Luis had seen, then it must have been true. I thought about the nights we had spent on the hill, the secrets we shared, the whispers he sent into my ears, "But I told you—I wouldn't let you ruin me." 

He dropped to his knees and pulled his hands over his face, trying to hide the cries that escaped his perfect lips. I wanted more than anything to leave, to turn around and pretend like he never found me in the first place. I wanted it to all be a dream, I wanted it all to be a nightmare that I would wake up from. But it wasn't. Reality was cold and harsh, he was always a reminder that not everything in this world was good, that nothing was ever perfect. I wanted to run away, to leave everything behind, but I had stopped running—I was so tired. 

Opia / D.M 18+Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora