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{Naïve innocence}


Opal had eyes tired beyond belief as I dried her after her bath. She stood in front of me in her yellow pyjamas, her blue eyes almost closing completely while I picked her up and took her to her bed. Her eyes fell shut as soon as she was placed under her duvet.

"I'm so sorry they left you, Opal," I whispered, stroking back her blonde locks of hair.

I stayed until I knew she was asleep before I silently stepped out of her room. I didn't hesitate to make sure that the wards around her room were still intact. I was thankful that they were, and from what I knew, no one had tried to get through. If anyone other than my parents and Narcissa attempted to get into her room, there was an alert sent straight to my wand. I needed to make sure the others knew that.

I walked back downstairs and into the living room where everyone sat around the fireplace. I smiled at the serenity that filled the room. But there was an extra head than before, and as she turned to face me, I was more than relieved to see Cissy sitting with them. Her eyes showed how sorry she was, how guilty she had felt, and I could never be mad at her.

"I am so sorry, Amethyst." She stood instantly and wrapped me in a tight hug, her eyes wide at the slight shock of the situation.

"It's alright Cissy, she's safe." I spoke as she released me, "That reminds me. Only Cissy and I can get into Opal's room. So please don't try to." I spoke to the group to which they all smiled and nodded.

I sighed and dropped in the free seat next to Draco, wrapping myself in his arms and not completely aware of the fact that his mother was standing there staring at us. I turned to look at her the second I realised she was still there. A large smile was pressed onto her lips, which only made me return the smile in the same manner.

"Well, seen as though you are all here," Cissy started, "You should all get some rest, tomorrow we will start preparing for the ball, I'll need everyone's help." She turned to Draco and I, "And as much as you may hate it, the decision was between the two of you or the Selwyn twins. You'll be playing a piece."

I dropped my head and groaned like a child. I hated performing in front of people, it was something I never wanted to do. Music was something I loved, it brought me peace and joy. There was a sense of serenity the notes gave me, it filled me up and allowed me to embrace the harmonics around me. I relished in the feeling, the melodies within a piece of composed work. Even before I had met Draco, music was a comfort. I only began to learn the piano when I heard his rhythmic strumming on his guitar.

"Are you sure we have to-"

"There is no questioning it, Amethyst." She smiled, "You three have always performed for us, it would be a shame to have the tradition broken."

"Well, why isn't Luis playing too?" I whined like a child to their mother.

But Cissy just smiled, she really was a better maternal figure to me rather than my own mother. My mother only ever informed me of what power my name held, she never taught me how to tie up my hair, how to lace my shoes. She was always distant. But she and Narcissa were good friends and having her around always helped me. Because even before I was introduced to her son, she was teaching me how to button my shirts and hide my sneakers under my formal dresses.

"Because the song we've chosen doesn't concern him." She gave me that small cheeky smile, like she was up to something I wouldn't be happy about.

"Do I have to sing?" I asked warily.

All she did was smile before wandering off, "I'll come back in the morning. Get to bed." She spoke before she vanished.

I flopped my head back into Draco's shoulder before looking at my friends. They all seemed happy, mugs of tea in their hands while they sat next to the warm fire. The air outside was crisp and cold, it hadn't stopped snowing one bit since the astronomy tower.

Opia / D.M 18+Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat